Sending Reiki for the Highest Good to Disturbing Current Events

People around the world are experiencing pain and suffering and many of us feel compelled to help. As Reiki practitioners, we have a unique ability to send healing energy to those in need, even if they are thousands of miles away. I want to share a practice to send Reiki for the highest good to current conflicts and disasters to bring a sense of peace and healing to those affected.

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5 Reasons I’m Thankful I Learned Reiki

There are so many reasons I am glad to have learned Reiki and made it a part of my everyday life.  Just for today, I am most grateful to have learned to relax, set boundaries, be of service, trust Spirit, and truly love myself.  I am grateful for the life I am living and to Reiki for making it possible. 

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Napoleon Hill, Sex Emotion and the Sacral Chakra

Today, I had a bit of an epiphany while reading Outwitting the Devil by Hill.  What if Napoleon Hill is talking about the energy of the Sacral Chakra?  Suddenly the whole idea made much more sense to me.  The Sacral Chakra is associated with security, empowerment, creativity, and co-creation, as well as sexual emotions and romantic relationships.

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Taking Away the Power of Painful Memories

The memory that disturbed me last night is still in the front of my mind this morning, but its power is gone.  It is just a sad thing that happened and is over now rather than something with the power to bring me to my knees with guilt and regret. 

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Reiki as a Key

I think that learning Reiki felt a bit like learning magic.  In a way it was.  It was this magical key that opened my mind to energy healing, connection, and faith. 

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The Right Resources Will Come

The reader I held in my mind while I was writing, and who I will focus most of my marketing on, is one who will be able to relate to my personal story, which takes up a good portion of the book. As I publish my book though, I hold in my heart everyone who just wants to start feeling better. I know that my book will not speak to all these people, but I send my love out to them with faith that the right guidance and resources will come to each and every one.

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Setting Healthy Boundaries in a Healing Practice

Setting healthy boundaries within my practice helps make my business sustainable, keeps me from experiencing burnout, and protects my energy for my own well-being. Without the boundaries I have set, I would not have been able to continue in this line of work. I recommend all practitioners take the time to evaluate their own boundaries often, and make adjustments when needed, to protect their own energy and keep their businesses running smoothly.

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What Can We do to Help Ukraine?

I know what is happening and I don’t deny the reality of it. I don’t try to pretend it isn’t real or try to put a positive spin about lessons being learned on it. It is a horrible reality. I have committed to making financial contributions to Save the Children Ukraine. Beyond giving financially though, my contributions are limited to what I can give energetically.

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Sharing my Spiritual Growth is my Business

When Reiki did work, when I started feeling better than I had in years and years, I heard God whisper that I needed to share it. I have done my best to listen each time Spirit whispers to me, telling me what I should do next.

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5 Questions to Ask Your Reiki Practitioner

In recent years Reiki has grown quite a bit in popularity.  More and more people are looking for alternative ways to care for themselves and invite healing to their lives. 

As Reiki grows in popularity, the number of professional practitioners continues to grow, as well.  How does one choose a Reiki practitioner out of the many that are now available?  The following questions can help you determine if a Reiki Practitioner is right for you.

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Holding Space to Heal

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For a long time, I was confused about exactly what it meant to hold space for another person.  As a healer, though, this is essential to what I do.  I hold a space for others to heal themselves.  But what does that really mean?

To me, to hold space means holding the whole, healthy, and perfect image of the person I wish to bring healing to.  Our intentions, our beliefs, are what bring about our healing.  It is hard for someone who is suffering to believe that they are whole, healthy, and perfect and that life is good and full of abundance.  The more a person is suffering, the harder it becomes for them to hold that belief that will bring them healing.  So, I hold it for them.  I hold a space for healing, while they feel and go through whatever they need to feel and go through.

I have gotten really good at holding space for friends, clients, and strangers.  I am still learning to hold space for myself and the people closest to me.  It is harder for me to detach from my own suffering or those that love.  Little by little, I am getting there, at the time of this writing, however, I am still only able to hold on to it for moment at a time.  That is okay though, I have a community I can turn to.

When I am too close the situation and unable to detach and hold that space of perfect wholeness and health for the people I love so much, it used to bring me great frustration that ultimately brought down my own vibrations and just made everything worse.  I have learned to let go of the need to do it on my own though.  I can practice detachment at my own pace and trust others to hold space for me and my family when needed.  I know I can ask my community and my church and people will hold space for me.  This is one of the great benefits of our universal connection with life. 

We are never alone in anything.  Remembering our perfection is what brings us healing, but when we cannot remember, others can remember it for us.  We can do the same for them.  This is all that ever happens in healing, really.  Someone must hold space for healing by holding the image of health in their thoughts and emotions. 

Let Go and Rise Up

The message to let go is a common one during awakening. What I am learning is that it is a continual process. Our ego’s will continuously work to get us to grasp onto the familiar to try to stay in control. We must learn to recognize when we are doing this, when we are drowning ourselves, and remember that if we let go the fight and are quiet and still, we will rise.

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The Metaphysical Perspective of Diagnosis Vs. Prognosis

Ernest Holmes said, “Healing is not creating a perfect idea or a perfect body; it is revealing an idea which is already perfect.” This paper discusses the metaphysical perspective of diagnosis vs. prognosis based on the writing of Ernest Holmes and the teaching of Science of Mind philosophy.

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Healing Doesn’t Just Happen – 5 Steps I Took

After being attuned, I did self-Reiki and practiced the Reiki Principles every day. I did not experience instantaneous healing, but I had hope and faith that it would help me and kept it up. Gradually, there was a change in me. Following are the five major steps, or milestones, of my healing journey.

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Prioritizing Family Healing

I took some time to think about it and realized I have treated children professionally more in the last couple of months than I had my own children. I took for granted they would ask if they wanted me to work with them or that they would practice on their own as long as I set an example and they were regularly exposed to my personal practice. I have been so busy managing my business, supervising virtual schooling, and running the household, that I had not realized the poor condition of my family’s energetic health. Not only my children need healing, but my life partner, as well. Now I know, I have to reprioritize and find a better way.

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3 Steps to Turn Your Spiritual Education into Spiritual Practice

One day I realized that my list of completed courses and certifications was growing impressively, but my actual spiritual practice had become stagnant. I was taking in a ton of great information but failing to apply it. I had acquired all sorts of new tools to care for myself and nurture my spiritual growth, but they were just sitting there in my toolkit, unused.

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Facing Fear-Based Thinking Within the Collective

How do we keep the widespread fear of the collective from influencing our personal realities? How do we keep from adding to the fearful energy and still protect ourselves and our families from illness and provide for ourselves during isolation?

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Metaphysical Properties of Angelite

Angelite is one of my top favorite stones. It is my very favorite for calming my own anxiety, especially when it has to do with communication, such as public speaking. I also use it to help me raise my vibrations to better communicate with my Angel and Spirit Guides. I like its soft blue color and calming energy. I keep a lot of tumbled Angelite handy for personal and professional use. Keep reading to learn more about the healing properties of Angelite.

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Fear of the Highest Good and What Can Trigger It

I had someone reach out to me wanting Reiki sent to a specific situation for a specific outcome.  I told them I would send Reiki for their highest good and that of the situation.  They asked me not to do this and expressed fear of their highest good.  At first this may seem a strange fear, but it is not an uncommon one. 

There are three common reasons this fear of a person’s highest good may manifest.  One is that they do not believe they deserve to experience good things.  If a person believes that they do not deserve the very best in life, they may fear that their highest good isn’t going to be very enjoyable.  There may be a sense of wanting to set low expectations so as not to be disappointed.  This is belief of not deserving good things is a faulty belief that will keep a person out of alignment with their higher-self and block their highest good.  Reiki may relieve the block temporarily, but in order to facilitate lasting change, the person will need to recognize their true worthiness.  Raising their confidence and level of self-love will be necessary. 

Another reason one may fear aligning with their highest good is a belief that it means being the best version of themselves and that maybe the best version of themselves will not be the most fun or enjoyable version.  They may fear the responsibility of always having to be the best they can be.  They may need help to realize that being in alignment with our highest good will always feel good.  They need to know that when something is in their highest good, the responsibility will come naturally and feel right to them once they let go of resistance they hold due to faulty beliefs.  They may also need some guidance in discovering what their higher self is trying to tell them, through their emotions, that their highest good is. 

A third reason a fear of one’s highest good may present itself is if, at least on some level, the person knows that what they want is not in their best interest.  This may happen when a person is in a situation that causes a pleasure response but is unhealthy for them.  For example, a drama heavy relationship, drug and alcohol use, or eating junk foods can all have this effect, as well as many other things.  What people need to learn in this situation is that the joy that can result from aligning with their higher good will far outweigh the pleasure they find in these unhealthy things.  Letting go can be hard and painful but is worth the effort. 

Although all of these things must be overcome in order to come into alignment with one’s greatest good, that can only happen if they are ready.  In a healing practice, there may be times that we will work with people who are struggling with these sorts of faulty beliefs.  Although we may recognize them, it is good to try to guide those struggling to their own conclusion of where this fear of the highest good is coming from and how they can best overcome it while supporting them with Reiki and love.