The Right Resources Will Come

I drafted my book, Unlocking the Door: Preparing to Manifest a better Life, with the woman I was ten years ago constantly in my mind.  I told her story and how she found her way into a better one.  I imagined her leading other women like her into better lives of their own.  My target market is women in their thirties, stuck in toxic situations, and ready to find a way to make real improvements in their lives.   

As I worked on the proofreading, I began to be presented with a lot of people who were very much outside the description of my target audience, but their images began to take over my focus.  Childhood abuse, spousal abandonment, drug addiction, severe adolescent depression, grieving familial loss…there are so many situations that can make us feel stuck and powerless over our lives. 

I believe that when we open our hearts and minds to the abundant possibilities the world has to offer, the right resources will always come to us.  By being open and believing that our needs can be met, we invite exactly what we need into our lives.  We are able to attract anything from the right emotional support to keep us going while we heal from loss to financial and material resources we need to live well. 

It is my hope that my book will offer some insight on meeting needs, finding resources, and taking appropriate action towards better feeling life experiences.  I want my readers to feel empowered to take control over their lives and get themselves into a place that feels better so that they can attract more of what they want (and less of what they don’t).

The reader I held in my mind while I was writing, and who I will focus most of my marketing on, is one who will be able to relate to my personal story, which takes up a good portion of the book.  As I publish my book though, I hold in my heart everyone who just wants to start feeling better.  I know that my book will not speak to all these people, but I send my love out to them with faith that the right guidance and resources will come to each and every one. 

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