Sending Reiki for the Highest Good to Disturbing Current Events

People around the world are experiencing pain and suffering and many of us feel compelled to help. As Reiki practitioners, we have a unique ability to send healing energy to those in need, even if they are thousands of miles away. I want to share a practice to send Reiki for the highest good to current conflicts and disasters to bring a sense of peace and healing to those affected.

In times of global dis-ease, sending Reiki for the highest good can provide us with a sense of peace and purpose. With conflicts like those in Gaza, Ukraine, and Sudan, and disasters such as the recent tornado outbreak in Texas and the tragic fire in Rajkot, India, the world needs healing energy more than ever.

How to Send Reiki to These Events

Sending Reiki to situations and people affected by these crises is one way to contribute positively. You can focus your Reiki energy on a specific event by visualizing the situation and sending positive, healing energy to all who are receptive. Here’s a simple method to do so:

1.      Prepare Your Space: Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Light a candle or play soft, calming music if that helps you focus.

2.      Ground Yourself: Sit down comfortably. Take a few deep breaths, inhaling peace and exhaling any tension or stress. Feel your connection to the earth.

3.      Set Your Intention: Clearly state your intention to send Reiki for the highest good of all involved in the chosen event or situation. For example, "I send Reiki for the highest good to all affected by the conflict in Gaza."

4.      Visualize the Situation: Picture the location and people involved. Imagine them bathed in a gentle, healing light. Visualize peace, healing, and resolution spreading throughout the area.

5.      Channel Reiki Energy: Place your hands in the Gassho position. Feel the Reiki energy flowing from your heart and out into the world. You may use the Reiki symbols you are attuned to, such as the Distance Healing Symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen), to send the energy across space and time.

6.      Send Healing Intentions: Hold the visualization and continue to channel Reiki energy. You can say affirmations like, "May all beings involved and find peace and healing," or use your own words that resonate with your intention.

7.      Close the Session: When you feel the session is complete, thank Reiki for its guidance and healing energy. Ground yourself again by taking a few deep breaths and imagining roots connecting you to the earth.

8.      Trust and Let Go: Release the situation, trusting that the Reiki energy will work for the highest good.

During these challenging times, sending Reiki is one way we can show our love and compassion. By doing so, we contribute to the collective healing of our world, one moment.  Whether it’s for global conflicts or natural disasters, we are capable of making a difference in the lives of those who are suffering.