5 Ways to Connect with Your Spirit Guides

Connecting with your spirit guides can be a very enlightening experience. Each of us has a unique path, and different methods will resonate with different people. Here are five ways to help you get in touch with your spirit guides. If one approach doesn’t feel right, keep exploring until you find what works for you.

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What is the Difference Between New Age and New Thought?

New Age and New Thought are two movements that have inspired countless individuals on their spiritual and healing journeys. Many people seem to confuse the two or believe them to be the same.  While they share similarities, they are actually quite different.  Understanding their differences can deepen our appreciation for each path.

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Let Your Higher Self Lead

It’s easy to get caught up in the demands of the ego, the part of us that's driven by external validation, fear, and desires. I thought it would be helpful to remind myself of the difference between ego driven motivations and those of the higher self and spend some time in awareness of my higher self to come to clearer conclusions about what I should do. 

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Harnessing the Power of Affirmations for Personal Transformation

Sometimes in life we come to a place where we just feel stuck, as if life is always the same and there is no way for us to change it. During these moments, it's crucial to find a lifeline, something that can help us break free from the feeling of being bound and begin our transformation. One powerful tool that can help is the practice of positive affirmations.

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Spiritual Practice While Traveling

When taking a vacation, you don’t have to pause your spiritual practice. By prioritizing your practice, embracing flexibility, and cultivating mindfulness and gratitude, you can infuse your journeys with a deeper sense of purpose and connection. Whether you're exploring new destinations or revisiting familiar ones, remember that the trip itself can be a spiritual teacher, guiding you towards a more profound understanding of yourself and the world around you.

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Practice, Practice, Practice

The people I am researching have no more knowledge or ability than me.  They just came up with their way of doing things and shared it.  I don’t have to listen to their ideas as if they are rules.  I need to see what inspires me, act on that inspiration, and see what happens.  When I get the urge to act, of course I need to listen!

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Should Manifesting be Easy?

It seems like it should be easy.  Reach for better feeling thoughts.  Focus on what you want, not on the lack of it.  Be definite and determined.  Obtain the feeling of having what you want.  Believe it is coming and it has no choice but to come.  It is so simple. It really seems like it should be easy. 

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Following Where Spirit Leads

How silly it would be to call some woman I barely knew, out of the blue, more than 15 years since I’d last seen her.  And yet, I felt like I was supposed to.  Why else would the number have shown up? 

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Returning From the State of Flow

When I return to the full power of my physical senses after being in a state of deep spiritual awareness and connection, it is just not a comfortable transition for me. Maybe I need to learn to stay in my body more during the spiritual connection, but at this point in my development, trying to tether myself to my body inhibits that state of flow for me. I have found ways to make the transition less uncomfortable, though.

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Are Your Desires Aligned with Good?

I took a course by Eckhart Tolle in which he taught of the importance of manifesting from the Spirit rather than the ego. This raises the question of how to tell if one is creating from Spirit or ego. Egos can be pretty tricky. How can be sure that what we wish to create is in alignment with Spirit and not just an egoic desire?

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Emotional Communication with Your Higher Self

According to Abraham Hicks (channeled by Esther Hicks) we each have a direct line of communication with our higher selves, or as Abraham refers to it, our inner selves that comes in the form of our emotions. The more pleasant our emotions feel, the better aligned we are with our higher self. The more unpleasant our emotions, the more out of alignment we are.

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Let Go and Rise Up

The message to let go is a common one during awakening. What I am learning is that it is a continual process. Our ego’s will continuously work to get us to grasp onto the familiar to try to stay in control. We must learn to recognize when we are doing this, when we are drowning ourselves, and remember that if we let go the fight and are quiet and still, we will rise.

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The Metaphysical Perspective of Diagnosis Vs. Prognosis

Ernest Holmes said, “Healing is not creating a perfect idea or a perfect body; it is revealing an idea which is already perfect.” This paper discusses the metaphysical perspective of diagnosis vs. prognosis based on the writing of Ernest Holmes and the teaching of Science of Mind philosophy.

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Are You on the Right Path?

Wherever we find ourselves is where we are meant to be. If it is not exactly “right” it is usually a learning experience that helps us get there or a little detour that may not look the way we expected but will take us just where we need to be. However, there are a few things you can look for to help you determine if you may need to make any course corrections.

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Join Me in a Mission to Love

We’re in the midst of a great war.  A war that we cannot win by fighting.  A war that calls us to love.  We are called to love in the face of our own fear and that of others.  For it is fear we are ultimately trying to overcome.  Fear that keeps us separated from each other.  Fear of our differences, but maybe even more so of what we may hold in common. 

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5 Steps for Creating a Happy Life

I used to feel stuck in the life I was living. I was anxious and depressed and nothing in my life had turned out the way I had planned. I finally learned how to break free and create the life I really wanted. Now, I want to share with you 5 tips for creating a happier life.

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