Setting Goals and Intentions with New Thought Principles

Goals and intentions are excellent tools for creating the life you want. New Thought principles teach us that our thoughts, beliefs, and actions shape our reality. Setting goals and intentions with this understanding helps you align your desires with the flow of Spirit, making your path forward clear and purposeful.

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Embracing New Thought Principles in Marriage

Before discovering New Thought and the teachings of the Center for Spiritual Living, I had been in several toxic relationships. Looking back, I realize that much of the unhappiness I experienced was a result of the way I approached love and marriage. I didn’t understand how much my thoughts, beliefs, and actions shaped my reality.

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The Modern Spiritual Housewife

What does it mean to be a modern housewife with a spiritual calling?

Lately, I’ve been reading about the "Trad wife" movement and seeing a lot of content from places like Ballerina Farm, where life is portrayed in such a romantic, old-fashioned way. The idea of returning to simpler times is really appealing to many, and I understand why.

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You Have a Responsibility to Create Your Reality

We are constantly creating our reality through the thoughts we focus on and integrate as part of ourselves.  This cannot be escaped.  It is a natural, universal law. 

When a person is unaware of the law of attraction and how it works, they can hardly be blamed for the reality they have created for themselves.  Before having this knowledge, our reality consists largely of situations that have been created the false and limiting beliefs we have picked up from others.

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What is the Difference Between New Age and New Thought?

New Age and New Thought are two movements that have inspired countless individuals on their spiritual and healing journeys. Many people seem to confuse the two or believe them to be the same.  While they share similarities, they are actually quite different.  Understanding their differences can deepen our appreciation for each path.

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Manifest Your Desires by Becoming Interested

To manifest the reality, you want you not only have to define what it is and believe in it, but you also have to be able to feel it.  The element of emotion is important.  But what exactly does it mean to “feel it”?

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Manifesting the Perfect Relationship

The person I had been showing up as was not at all aligned with the kind of relationship I wanted, and I had to make adjustments before I could attract that relationship.  I had to accept that I was worthy of the things that were most important to me in a relationship and then I had to embody those things.  I had to become the person I wanted to be in my perfect relationship before I could expect a perfect partner. 

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A Guide for Tapping into the Power of Affirmations

Affirmations are a powerful tool that, when used correctly, can change your life. Affirmations are one way to wire your mind to focus more on positive thoughts. When we make the use of affirmations a daily habit, our mindset becomes more positive, and we are able to attract better experiences into our lives. 

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Gratitude Journaling for Positive Manifestation

It’s not uncommon to occasionally feel stuck, overwhelmed, or disconnected from all the abundance the universe has to offer. During these times, embracing the practice of gratitude journaling can be a powerful tool to shift your focus toward the positive, break free from stagnation, and manifest a more joyful existence.

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Recognizing Deeply Implanted Limiting Beliefs

When a belief like this comes up for me, it reveals new insights about why certain situations are presenting in my life.  In this case, the belief in obscurity has presented as the inability to expand my reach professionally.  Making this recognition gives me an opportunity to keep working on the re-wiring of my mindset and belief systems.  I know that I have to eliminate beliefs such as being quiet and obscure if I want to be widely recognized as an expert in my field. 

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A Crystal Unity Wedding Ceremony

As my wedding day approaches, I find myself reflecting on what makes this special day truly meaningful for me and my fiancé, Dan. It was crucial for us to find a way to create a ceremony that would not only unite us as a couple but also symbolize the merging of our families.  After exploring various options, I decided to do something original and created a Crystal Unity Ceremony that felt like it would be the perfect fit for us.

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Use Your Imagination

I have studied a lot of different teachers of the Law of Attraction.  There are a few things that seem to be agreed upon among them all.  One of them is the importance of the use of your imagination.  You have to be able to see what it is you want, feel what it would be like to have it, and know it’s coming to you.  You must be able to experience something that hasn’t manifested yet. 

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Ask and You Will Receive

As I was unpacking, I came across my manifestation notebook and remembered the list I had written about the house I wanted.  As I read the list, I was amazed that every single item from it was fulfilled in our new home. 

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Authentic Positivity

Positive thinking, in the way I use it, isn’t about thinking happy thoughts that deny reality.  It is about accepting reality as it is then choosing to focus my thoughts on possible solutions and positive aspects rather than dwell for long on troubling issues. 

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Are Your Desires Aligned with Good?

I took a course by Eckhart Tolle in which he taught of the importance of manifesting from the Spirit rather than the ego. This raises the question of how to tell if one is creating from Spirit or ego. Egos can be pretty tricky. How can be sure that what we wish to create is in alignment with Spirit and not just an egoic desire?

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Emotional Communication with Your Higher Self

According to Abraham Hicks (channeled by Esther Hicks) we each have a direct line of communication with our higher selves, or as Abraham refers to it, our inner selves that comes in the form of our emotions. The more pleasant our emotions feel, the better aligned we are with our higher self. The more unpleasant our emotions, the more out of alignment we are.

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Focus on What you Want

We are constantly manifesting our own reality. We always have been, and we always will be. When we speak of manifesting what we usually mean, and what I mean in this article is conscious manifesting. Conscious manifesting is what we do when we take control of the Law of Attraction, or what Ernest Holmes referred to as the Law of Mind.

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3 Tips for Raising Your Vibrational Frequency

When we feel good, we are vibrating at a higher frequency and attracting good, higher frequency experiences. When we feel badly, we are vibrating at a lower frequency and will attract less pleasant, lower frequency experiences. Following are some tips for staying at a higher frequency vibration.

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Gratitude Creates More for Which to be Grateful

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Just for today, be grateful.  For there is so much to be grateful for!  Gratitude is the easiest way for me to raise my vibrations.  As one of the Reiki principles, it is a cornerstone to my healing practice.  A grateful heart heals so much easier and faster than a resentful one.  It is so much more resilient against dis-ease.

Gratitude is easy for me at this point in my life.  I am doing well.  I feel financially secure.  I’ve finished paying off a reliable vehicle.  I love my home.  I am in a loving relationship with my best friend.  Our kids are all healthy.  Life is good and gratitude comes easy. 

I feel like my resting point has become a place of gratitude, interrupted by small moments of stress, anger, or worry from time to time.  It used to be very much the opposite.  Stress was my natural state, interrupted by small moments of joy and gratitude.  I think that to look at my life now, one might think that I am grateful because all this good has come into my life.  And they would be right, except I believe that it is a wonderful cycle that began when gratitude helped me bring this good about in the first place. 

I used to be miserable.  I was always in pain from Fibromyalgia.  Paying bills was a juggling act.  My relationships with men were toxic.  I was always saying things like, “if it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all” and “if it’s not one thing going wrong, it’s another.”  Life sucked and that is all I expected of it.  I was unhappy and resentful, and life just kept giving me more to be unhappy and resentful about.

Things began to turn around for me when I found Reiki and started practicing the principles.  In trying to practice gratitude each day in accordance with the principles, I started actively looking for things to be grateful for.  It hurt to walk when I first started practicing, but I COULD walk.  I was in sick and in pain, but my kids were healthy.  Financially, I had always struggled, but I always found a way to keep bills paid.  I stopped focusing so much on all that was wrong and turned my focus to the small, less obvious things that were good. 

The more I focused on those little things I had to be grateful for, the more they began to grow.  It was magical.  It is still magical, as my blessings continue to grow with my gratitude.  The little things became big things.  The stuff I stressed about began to fade away.  Personal disasters happened less and less.  Life is good, it is wonderful, and that is what I expect of it.  And every day I am in awe of it’s wonder and filled with gratitude.