The Metaphysical Perspective of Diagnosis Vs. Prognosis

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I have been taking the Essential Ernest Holmes course through the Center for Spiritual Living in Kansas City. I am trying to take courses to fulfill the prerequisite requirements to begin Prayer Practitioner Training with them. I have spent my extra time this week finishing up the reading and working on a paper that is coming due. Now, it is Sunday night and time for me to schedule my article to publish in the morning and I have no such article prepared. I do however, have the paper that I wrote for my class. Although it is not Reiki related, it does have to do with metaphysical healing and so I have opted to share it with you. I hope you find it educational.

Diagnosis Vs. Prognosis in Science of Mind

The Essential Ernest Holmes Final Project
Tracie Eaves, March 22, 2021

On p. 134 of The Essential Ernest Holmes, the narrator writes: “The facts are the diagnosis, or present situation, the truth is the prognosis, or anticipated reality, drawn from the limitless field of reality.”

We are perfect souls.  At our core, our truest selves, we are perfect souls.  At the time of conception, our perfect souls were given the solid form of our human bodies.  From the moment of conception, our environment begins to add layers upon our perfect souls.  The layers begin to accumulate before we are even born.  Layers from the quality of food, drink, exercise, and medical care that our mothers received while our bodies were being formed.  Layers from the amount of stress, fear, comfort, or love they felt while carrying us inside them.  We are born and the layers continue to be added by everything we are taught, everything that we go through, everything that we perceive.

Some of the layers added to our souls help our spiritual perfection shine through brightly for all to see in our physical world.  Other layers hide that perfection away, not only from others, but from ourselves.  When we have these layers put upon our souls… layers of self-doubt, lack, fear, abandonment, rejection…layers of pain, sickness of some type inevitably follows.  It may be a sickness in the body or in the mind, but it is a state of dis-ease that is not in alignment with the perfection of our souls.  

These layers and way they show up in our lives as symptoms of our dis-ease are the diagnosis.  They are an illusion that hides away our limitless potential and true perfection.  When we mistake the illusion for truth, we feel lost and disconnected.  The dis-ease sets in and the deeper it goes; the more we believe in it, the harder it becomes to realize our True Selves; our perfect souls.

Our perfect souls beneath those layers are the prognosis.  Our perfect souls are the Truth.  They are our True Selves.  To heal from the diagnosis, we must get past those layers to reveal our True Self, which is healthy, whole, and perfect.  Ernest Holmes said, “Healing is not creating a perfect idea or a perfect body; it is revealing an idea which is already perfect.” (p.146)  

So, how do we get past all those layers?  We simply cast them aside as the falsehoods they are.  We refuse to hold space for them and only allow truth to be seen.  As Earnest Holmes said, “We should be able to look a discordant fact in the face and deny its reality, since we know its seeming reality is borrowed from illusion, from ‘chaos and old night.’” (p. 71)

We know that Source is perfect, limitless, creative potential.  We know that as we are made of Source Energy, we must also be perfect, limitless, creative potential.  We refuse to be fooled by the illusion of anything less than perfection.  We find, “… a reason that is rational enough to accept, reasonable enough to agree to, inspirational enough to listen to with feeling, profound enough to sink deep, and light enough in it to break away the clouds.  Because there is a place where the sun has never stopped shining in everyone’s mind, and there is ever a song somewhere and we all have to learn to sing it.” (Earnest Holmes, p. 155)


Holmes, E. (2002). The Essential Ernest Holmes. (R. J. Jennings, Ed.) New York: Putnum.