Phyllis Furumoto quote
Learning more about the Law of Attraction and Spiritual Mind Treatment has caused me to examine my beliefs about Reiki and Crystal Healing. To be honest, I have often questioned my belief in Reiki and the way it heals. I do everything the way I was taught, and it has always seemed to work. But is it really Reiki that is working, or is it the belief or hope of it working that actually encourages the healing process?
Ernest Holmes teaches that we are already healthy and whole. It is only an error in our thoughts or beliefs that make it seem otherwise. Correct the thoughts and beliefs and the natural health and wholeness reveals itself. He also teaches though, not to take away someone’s God until you have a better one to replace it with. In this he means that until someone is ready to accept oneness with God and the Universe and their natural wholeness, don’t take away what they do believe in that is bringing good to their lives.
For me, I take this to mean that even though I am pretty convinced at this point that my clients don’t really need Reiki or crystals to heal, that they are already whole and healed and it only needs to be realized, if Reiki or crystals help them to realize it, that is what they need right now.
I wonder if I had learned about Science of Mind and the Law of Attraction before I had learned Reiki, would I have accepted it? I don’t think I was ready then to truly accept and believe that I could heal myself and improve my own life. It was easier to me to believe Reiki, an external system that I could learn, could draw that life force energy through me than it would have been to believe I could do it all on my own.
I think that learning Reiki felt a bit like learning magic. In a way it was. It was this magical key that opened my mind to energy healing, connection, and faith. It was a tool that I don’t always feel I need for myself anymore, but for now I will continue to offer to my clients because I don’t want to take away this source of healing until they are ready to accept a new one. I don’t think Crystal Reiki Wellness will survive much longer, though. Another year or two, maybe. I think that eventually I will be ready to let it go, rebrand myself, and focus completely on writing and teaching about the innate healing power we have within.