Abundance begins with a seed. A seed of an idea, a belief, or a vision of the life we want to create. Just as a garden flourishes when we plant the right seeds and tend to them with care, our lives bloom when we nurture thoughts and actions aligned with prosperity. The key to manifesting abundance is being intentional about what we plant in the garden of our minds and removing anything that stifles our growth.
Read moreMetaphysical Properties of Pyrite
Pyrite, often called “Fool’s Gold,” is a radiant stone symbolizing protection, abundance, and confidence. Its golden energy resonates powerfully with all chakras, especially the Solar Plexus Chakra, fostering vitality and personal empowerment.
Read moreFinancial Solutions Come Easily to Me
In my statement of desire for Napoleon Hill’s manifesting method, I specified wanting the money in part to be able to pay off my student loan debt.
Read moreNapoleon Hill, Sex Emotion and the Sacral Chakra
Today, I had a bit of an epiphany while reading Outwitting the Devil by Hill. What if Napoleon Hill is talking about the energy of the Sacral Chakra? Suddenly the whole idea made much more sense to me. The Sacral Chakra is associated with security, empowerment, creativity, and co-creation, as well as sexual emotions and romantic relationships.
Read moreAllowing Abundance Through Purchases
My dominant feelings right now, my point of attraction, are ones of excitement, gratitude, and happiness. I am glad to know that is the place I am attracting from at this moment. I know that my good feelings about acquiring what I want will help to attract the money I will need to pay for it, and I am grateful to know that.
Read moreWhy Napoleon Hill?
Browsing through the library’s digital offerings I came across Think and Grow Rich and it called to me. I thought I would check it out, just to glance over it and see if it was something I wanted to come back to, but it kept calling and I became a bit enthralled with Napoleon Hill, his research, and the way he presents it.
Read moreEasy Come, Easy Go, Easy Come
The phrase, “easy come, easy go,” entered my mind. The money came easily. I can easily spend it with no harm to my financial situation as the money isn’t needed elsewhere. I realized something, holding on to the money when I don’t need it and there is something I would like to spend it on, would be an expression of a lack mindset.
Read moreThe Right Resources Will Come
The reader I held in my mind while I was writing, and who I will focus most of my marketing on, is one who will be able to relate to my personal story, which takes up a good portion of the book. As I publish my book though, I hold in my heart everyone who just wants to start feeling better. I know that my book will not speak to all these people, but I send my love out to them with faith that the right guidance and resources will come to each and every one.
Read moreIf I Can Help Just One
When I decided to author a book, I had no idea how it would unfold. I knew I wanted to teach about using the Law of Attraction to manifest a better life. How I wanted to do that took a while to figure out.
Read moreMetaphysical Properties of Garnet
As well as being a good stone for the Root Chakra and in helping one to stay grounded, it is also very useful for an array of physical conditions. Please keep reading to learn more about the benefits of Garnet in Crystal Healing Practices.
Read more5 Lessons About Abundance I Want my Children to Learn
These five lessons have improved my life so much. They have brought me peace and security. There is no magical formula that will make us rich, but these lessons can make us appreciate the abundance in our lives, no matter how much there is or what form it takes and can help us begin to manifest more abundance. They can take us from a poverty mind-set to an abundant mind-set and prepare us for success. This is what I want to teach my children.
Read more5 Steps Towards Financial Abundance that Don’t Require a Large Investment
5 Steps Towards Financial Abundance
I have noticed a trend among life coaches and spiritual influencers pushing people to spend money they don’t feel they can afford to spend. They promise that by giving them money you are giving off an energetic match for gaining money and that the rewards will be worth far more than the investment.
Spirit or the angels or the stars would not have led you to them if you weren’t meant to take this step. Do it, do it, and you too will become rich.
It makes me think of the late-night infomercials I used to watch while I was up breastfeeding my first born in the middle of the night. Give me your money, and I’ll teach you the secret of making money by asking people to give you money so that they too can learn the secret of making money.
Don’t get me wrong, I do fully believe that we can influence our financial wellness with the law of attraction. I believe that it is extremely important to escape a poverty mind-set in order to begin manifesting abundance. I also believe that when we spend money, we are not only sending it out into economic circulation, but also into an energetic circulation and that the energetic loss will be restored to us in some way or other.
I believe that these are truths, but I also believe it is very dangerous to encourage people to experiment with these truths by putting up money that they may need for necessities, and that it is just plain wrong to make someone feel that they are their own worst enemy in finding abundance because they are too cautious and careful with their cash.
The truth is, you don’t have to throw your money at some guru to get over your financial blocks. You don’t need to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars for a workshop. It’s okay to start small.
Here are some ideas that won’t break the bank.
Identify your limiting beliefs surrounding money. What kind of thoughts do you have about money? Do you believe it is hard to come by or that you will always struggle financially? Really take some time to think about your beliefs and where they originated.
Change those limiting beliefs. Regular use of affirmations can be extremely helpful for this. Turn the beliefs around. For example, if you believe money is hard to come by, use the affirmation, “money comes to me easily.” If the beliefs are very deep seeded, you may need to get some professional support in changing them.
This doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Look for books are articles about changing beliefs and practice the exercises they recommend. If you decide to get a life coach, spend some time looking around to find someone with rates you feel you can afford and who will work with you personally rather than investing in an expensive single day or weekend workshop.
Be grateful for all the money you have and everything you spend it on. Take time to feel gratitude every time you spend money, especially when it is on bills and necessities. Let yourself feel proud to have gotten them paid and thankful for your resources to do so. Focus on gratitude for what you have and avoid focusing too much on what you don’t have. When you focus on lack, you attract more lack.
Circulate your money. As I said above, I do money that when we send money out goes into an energetic circulation and will find its way back to us in some form or another. This doesn’t require you to dig too deep, though. If you have nothing extra to work with after paying bills, then when you pay your bills, do so with the intent of putting that energy into circulation. Even if you shop thriftily, you can do so with the intent of circulating financial energy. Donate loose change to your favorite charities or causes. If you have a little extra and already go out sometimes, try tipping a dollar more than you would have.
If you have worked on your limiting beliefs, you should be able to do this with faith that nothing will be lost. That faith is the key here. It doesn’t take spending hundreds of dollars. Start by spending just a little with the faith it will come back to you. Then when it does, try putting out a little more. Work your way up to those big investments and don’t let anyone try to convince you to make them if you don’t feel ready.
Listen to your higher self. If you have a nagging feeling that you really need to make an investment, don’t hold back simply out of fear. Listen to the feeling and figure out a way to make it work. If you are given an opportunity that sounds great, but everything in you is saying it is not the right time to be spending the money on it, don’t.
You are the greatest expert in your life. You know what you can handle and what you can’t better than anyone else. Pay attention to what your intuition is telling you. Trust yourself.
I hope you find these tips to be helpful and are able to use them to begin to manifest financial abundance. An abundant life does not have to be a financial stressor and it is not something you need to pay someone an arm and a leg in order to achieve.
How Affirmations Work and 7 Tips for Using Them
Positive affirmations can be powerful tools when we are trying to change our habits or raise our personal vibrations. Keep reading to find out exactly what an affirmation is, how they work, and how to use them.
Read moreReiki Healing for Domestic Abuse
I’d like to ask you to join me in this mission to help empower victims and help them to understand that it is not okay, it’s not their fault, and they don’t deserve it. I ask you to use whatever tools you choose to direct positive intention and energy at this problem. If you practice Reiki, I ask that you write the situation of domestic violence on paper and hold the paper between your hands and give it Reiki or send the situation distance healing.
Read moreHow Gratitude Transformed My Life
Just for today, be grateful. These words have life changing power when you put them into practice. Teaching me to be grateful for all of my blessings is another gift Reiki has given.
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