Understanding the Influence of the Chakra System on Reiki

While the Chakra system isn't directly part of Reiki, it is helpful to learn about to get a deeper understanding of energy healing. Influenced by his Buddhist practice, which includes the Chakra system, Master Mikao Usui's spiritual exploration led him to the development of Reiki.  It is likely that his knowledge of the Chakras had an influence on the way he developed the healing system of Reiki. 

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Napoleon Hill, Sex Emotion and the Sacral Chakra

Today, I had a bit of an epiphany while reading Outwitting the Devil by Hill.  What if Napoleon Hill is talking about the energy of the Sacral Chakra?  Suddenly the whole idea made much more sense to me.  The Sacral Chakra is associated with security, empowerment, creativity, and co-creation, as well as sexual emotions and romantic relationships.

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Clear and Balance the Throat Chakra with Reiki

Have you ever felt like your voice is trapped, unable to express your true thoughts and feelings? This struggle is often linked to a blockage in the Throat Chakra, the energy center responsible for communication and self-expression.

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Reiki Shower Sessions

Do you ever feel like there just isn’t enough time to fit in self-Reiki treatments?  I think we have all been there.  Life just seems to get in the way, and we end up putting off self-care activities until there is more time.  I have discovered many ways to fit a little Reiki into my day here and there.  One of my favorites ways is to perform Reiki Shower Sessions. 

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The 7 Major Chakras

Becoming familiar with your energy body can give you a clearer understanding of the steps you need to take to keep yourself well balanced and healthy. Today, I’d like to talk about Chakras. The Chakras are the part of our energy body that processes the natural energy flow; the Ki.  Chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit.  When the Chakras are blocked or receiving too much or too little energy to keep the flow balanced, our emotional, mental, and physical health can be affected.  It is believed that there are seven major Chakra’s in our energy body. 

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