A Guide for Tapping into the Power of Affirmations

Affirmations are a powerful tool that, when used correctly, can change your life. Affirmations are one way to wire your mind to focus more on positive thoughts. When we make the use of affirmations a daily habit, our mindset becomes more positive, and we are able to attract better experiences into our lives. 

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Self-Reiki for Inner Harmony

Sometimes we find ourselves feeling stuck or overwhelmed by the challenges we encounter in life. During such moments, it's essential to connect with our inner healing energies to find balance and clarity. As a Reiki Master Practitioner, I have discovered the immense power of self-Reiki for unlocking inner harmony and breaking free from the feeling of being stuck.

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Harnessing the Power of Affirmations for Personal Transformation

Sometimes in life we come to a place where we just feel stuck, as if life is always the same and there is no way for us to change it. During these moments, it's crucial to find a lifeline, something that can help us break free from the feeling of being bound and begin our transformation. One powerful tool that can help is the practice of positive affirmations.

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Napoleon Hill, Sex Emotion and the Sacral Chakra

Today, I had a bit of an epiphany while reading Outwitting the Devil by Hill.  What if Napoleon Hill is talking about the energy of the Sacral Chakra?  Suddenly the whole idea made much more sense to me.  The Sacral Chakra is associated with security, empowerment, creativity, and co-creation, as well as sexual emotions and romantic relationships.

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Should Manifesting be Easy?

It seems like it should be easy.  Reach for better feeling thoughts.  Focus on what you want, not on the lack of it.  Be definite and determined.  Obtain the feeling of having what you want.  Believe it is coming and it has no choice but to come.  It is so simple. It really seems like it should be easy. 

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You Have the Power to Heal Yourself

Life force energy surrounds and permeates all things.  This is the premise of any energy healing system.  This truth is what makes it all work.  And since life force energy is everywhere, it is freely available to us all.  You don’t have to be trained or attuned in any particular system in order to have access to this energy. 

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