Look and Feel Great Venturing Out Into the Pandemic by Emma Grace Brown

After so many months of sheltering in place, many of us are coming out of lockdown feeling anxious, tired, and afraid to venture out into public — both for fear of contracting or spreading COVID-19, or because we’ve gotten so used to the protection of our homes. But for those of us who would like to start venturing out post-lockdown — whether for a quick shopping trip or full weekend away from home — there are some things we can do to ease some of the anxiety we may be experiencing.

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Metaphysical Properties of Green Calcite

I always offer it to clients who suffer from CPOD or other lung issues. I also find this stone to be wonderful at supporting me as a healer by encouraging care of my own physical health and aiding me healing others. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of Green Calcite in healing work.

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3 Steps to Turn Your Spiritual Education into Spiritual Practice

One day I realized that my list of completed courses and certifications was growing impressively, but my actual spiritual practice had become stagnant. I was taking in a ton of great information but failing to apply it. I had acquired all sorts of new tools to care for myself and nurture my spiritual growth, but they were just sitting there in my toolkit, unused.

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Metaphysical Properties of Blue Calcite

Blue Calcite is an excellent stone for clearing and energizing the Third Eye Chakra. It is known to enhance efforts at expanding psychic abilities and spiritual practice. It can also be used while working with the Throat Chakra to help one communicate clearly and honestly. Together, these attributes make Blue Calcite the perfect aid for communicating with higher frequency beings, such as angels and spirit guides.

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Metaphysical Properties of Banded Agate

Banded Agate is a common and inexpensive stone that is easy to find in most metaphysical shops and other shops that sell crystals and gemstones. They make a nice addition to any crystal healers toolkit. They are also useful to keep in quantity for crystal grid work and gifting. Read the full article to learn about the benefits of using Banded Agate in crystal healing.

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Metaphysical Properties of Blue Lace Agate

I love the calm, soothing energy of Blue Lace Agate. Its energy, along with its pale blue color and wavy lines, makes me think of water. I find it to be particularly useful for children who have suffered emotional trauma and struggle to stay calm. It can also be helpful for children who have been diagnosed with ADHD, ODD, or Generalized Anxiety Disorder as it helps them stay calm and go with the flow.

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Are You on the Right Path?

Wherever we find ourselves is where we are meant to be. If it is not exactly “right” it is usually a learning experience that helps us get there or a little detour that may not look the way we expected but will take us just where we need to be. However, there are a few things you can look for to help you determine if you may need to make any course corrections.

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Tips to Restore Family Peace During Isolation by Guest Author Emma Grace Brown

Emma Grace Brown lives her life by her rules; and it works! When she's not snuggling puppies, Emma promotes female empowerment through her website. Her mission is to help those who live with self-doubt to realize they don't have to mold themselves to conventionality.  Learn more about her and check out more of her work at www.emmagracebrown.com.

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Have you ever felt like you’ve had it all together, then BAM, some outside force comes along and throws life off balance? We’ve all been there, but going through a pandemic is a whole new source of stress for everyone. Between schedule changes, remote work, and having to self-isolate, balance seems elusive these days, and the consequence is an increase in stress and discord.

Don’t Let Self-Care Slide

The stress of self-isolation comes at us from many angles. We’re trying to keep up with work, school, and hobbies - all while our family members are doing the same things in the same space. The result is that many people feel like they can’t accomplish it all, and unfortunately, self-care is often the first thing they sacrifice. 

Stay Physically Active

Sacrificing self-care is a huge mistake because these practices are your best defense against stress. Instead of letting basic self-care habits slide, make it a priority to find solutions to whatever challenges are standing in the way. One perfect example is the need for exercise. According to The Mayo Clinic, exercise releases endorphins, those chemicals in the brain that make us happy. But it isn’t always easy to stay active at home, especially with multiple family members competing for space. 

In this situation, consider trying something new, such as cycling. Cycling is one of the best full body workouts, plus it’s inherently calming and meditative. Getting into biking doesn’t have to be expensive either. There are lots of affordable bicycles that are still top quality, like the Schwinn Volare 1200 men’s road bike, or the Mongoose Dolomite Fat Tire mountain bike for someone who prefers to hit the trails. Or if you have even a small space indoors, you could get an affordable stationary bike, like the ProGear 225 Folding Magnetic Upright Exercise Bike With Heart Pulse.

Adequate Quantity and Quality Slumber

Trying a new exercise is just one example of how we can troubleshoot healthy habits that seem harder to accomplish these days. Another common issue people are dealing with is lack of sleep, and this one impacts children as well as adults. Part of the problem is that stress is often a factor that stands in the way of quality sleep, while lack of sleep perpetuates the issues by making stress worse. 

If your children are experiencing this cycle of restless sleep and stress, consider a conversation that may help you intervene. You might want to determine whether you have a relaxing bedtime routine or whether your child’s sleep is interrupted by distractions, such as too many stuffed animals for little ones or your teen taking their phone to bed. Even if the problem seems insurmountable, by asking yourself these questions, you may find that it just requires a few easy solutions.

Try New Boredom Busters

Self-care goes a long way towards helping us all feel like ourselves again, but it won’t do away with the situations that lead to stress. That’s why it’s a good idea to find boredom busters that will help alleviate some of those challenging situations. If you have children who are struggling with being stuck at home, you may want to look into the best devices for your child’s age. There is everything from fitness trackers to age-appropriate smartphones available these days, and a little research can go a long way.

Remember that we could all use some positive distractions these days - not just kids. Every generation, from youngsters to seniors, is affected by the struggle to make life fulfilling when we can’t get out of the home. You could always take up a new hobby, but as CNBC explains, all you really need is simple, relaxing activities, like going for a walk or practicing yoga. And don’t hesitate to connect with Crystal Reiki Wellness for energetic space clearing, reiki sessions, and more self-care services. 

Now that self-isolation is our current reality, we’re all trying to carry on with life the best we can. That means letting go of what we can’t control, while making adjustments where we can. This is the best way to achieve a new balance in life - a balance that helps bring your whole household back into better harmony.

Finding Stillness in a Chaotic Mind

Finding stillness in all the chaos of our minds can have great benefits. At the most basic level, it gives us a reprieve and lowers our stress and anxiety. It helps us to get in touch with our bodies and our world. Taking it deeper, according to Eckhart Tolle’s teachings, moments without thought are the key to finding a new dimension of consciousness within ourselves.

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Committing to 5 Self-Care Practices

By recommitting myself to these self-care practices I will get back into a routine that supports better supports my physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Things will come up in life that may interrupt our self-care. We need to be gentle and non-judgmental of ourselves when this happens. What is important is that when we recognize we are neglecting our self-care we take action to nurture ourselves again. What self-care practices can you re-commit to?

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Is Practicing Positive Thinking the Same as Spiritual Bypassing?

Spiritual bypassing occurs when rather than examining, accepting, and learning from the contrast of our negative feelings and experiences to get us to the ones we want to have, we attempt to repress them or pretend they do not exist, we try to replace them with positive thoughts and feelings we don’t really believe, and then fail to take right-action steps.

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The Power of Conscious Intention

I have recently realized that intention is not only the most powerful ingredient in my spiritual work and healing practice, but in all areas of my life.  I trust the Universe, Spirit, will find a way to bring all of my intentions to fruition.  It is only when I forget this that life seems hard and things feel as if they are going wrong. 

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My Personal Faith in Universal Oneness

I believe that was hurts one of us hurts us all. What is good for one, is good for all. There is no true separation. What is done to one, is done to all. This is the message I ultimately want to spread through my work. This connection is what makes Reiki and other healing modalities work. It is at the core of everything I believe and every action I take. I want to share this belief and I invite all others who believe the same to share it, as well. Let us not focus labels that create false separation, but share our sense of oneness with compassion and understanding for all.

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Reiki Aided Meditation

I was slow to add meditation to my self-care and spiritual practice. I have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder Without Hyperactivity). Sitting still and quieting my mind seemed like an impossible feat. I did not think I would ever be able to get to that sweet spot I had heard of. That place of calm connectedness sounded so good to me but seemed so out of reach.

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Giving Objects Reiki Attunements

Can an object be attuned to Reiki? This question came to me about a year ago, but the seed for it was planted early on in my Reiki practice. You see, many people sell items they market as “Reiki Charged”. In fact, I used methods I found in articles on Reiki Rays to charge items with Reiki myself. As time went on though, and I became more familiar with the energy, I began to wonder exactly what this charging was doing.

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Reiki as a Lifestyle

Once we have learned to use the system of Reiki to tap into the universal energy field and channel that energy, we can set our intentions to use Reiki in countless ways in our lives. Using Reiki to bring physical, mental, and emotional wellness to ourselves and others is the foundation of most of our practices, but we can build so much more onto that. We are only limited by our own beliefs.

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