Following Where Spirit Leads

How silly it would be to call some woman I barely knew, out of the blue, more than 15 years since I’d last seen her.  And yet, I felt like I was supposed to.  Why else would the number have shown up? 

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Are You on the Right Path?

Wherever we find ourselves is where we are meant to be. If it is not exactly “right” it is usually a learning experience that helps us get there or a little detour that may not look the way we expected but will take us just where we need to be. However, there are a few things you can look for to help you determine if you may need to make any course corrections.

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My Sign From an Angel

I kept seeing 444 and felt that I wasn't alone in anything I was facing.  I started to think more about angels and what part they may play in my life.  I began to wonder why they were suddenly sending this sign they were with me.  I thought and I wondered, but I took no actions.  Then one day I got an email about communicating with angels and, even thought it was a junk mail message, I felt compelled to open it.  It was pretty much what I expected.  A lot of information about what kind of information I would get if I paid enough money.  It got me thinking about the possibility of communicating with angels, though, and I decided I would just give it a try.  I asked out loud if the angels were with me to give me a sign.  

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