Reiki as a Lifestyle

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Much of what Reiki can accomplish comes from the intentions of the practitioner.  Once we have learned to use the system of Reiki to tap into the universal energy field and channel that energy, we can set our intentions to use Reiki in countless ways in our lives.  Using Reiki to bring physical, mental, and emotional wellness to ourselves and others is the foundation of most of our practices, but we can build so much more onto that.  We are only limited by our own beliefs. 

Most of us were drawn to Reiki as a healing modality.  Reiki is a Japanese relaxation technique that supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself.  Unlike Master Usui’s original Reiki training regimen, in the west, the majority of practitioners have had an abbreviated version of Reiki training that covered a lot of information in just a day or two.  Some of us had a bit longer to absorb the information, but really weren’t given much more in the way of training.  After we have finished our short Reiki training, we know the Reiki principles and that we should try to say them twice a day and we know how to complete a Reiki session.  Reiki Masters almost always offer some other information such as an overview of the Chakras, grounding and meditation techniques, and their own hints and tips, but our fast paced way of doing things here just doesn’t allow the time to go into the same depth that our ascended Reiki Masters taught. 

What we learn is definitely sufficient for using Reiki as a complementary healing modality.  However, if we choose to, we can go deeper.  We can take that complementary healing modality and turn it into a lifestyle.  We can incorporate is as little or as much as we want into our daily lives.  All we have to do is make a commitment to learning and growing and using Reiki every day.  I enhanced my own Reiki training by reading every book I could find and exploring hundreds of online articles.  I practiced and experimented daily with Reiki.  I looked for ways that I could incorporate Reiki into my work, home, and spiritual life…and I found them everywhere. 

I have found ways to use Reiki in every are of my life.  I practice Reiki, but I also live Reiki.  The Reiki principles are with me in every decision I make throughout the day.  Reiki energy permeates everything I do, from taking a shower each morning, to preparing food each day, to putting my kids to bed each night.  Reiki is much more than a healing modality for me, it is a way of life. 

In future articles I plan to share with you in greater detail how I use Reiki every day to enhance my well-being and quality of life.  I hope you will find value in them.  You are always welcome to try my methods of working with Reiki or to take my ideas and modify them to make them your own.  I can’t wait to share my Reiki lifestyle with you.