Metaphysical Properties of Blue Lace Agate

I love the calm, soothing energy of Blue Lace Agate.  Its energy, along with its pale blue color and wavy lines, makes me think of water.  I find it to be particularly useful for children who have suffered emotional trauma and struggle to stay calm.  It can also be helpful for children who have been diagnosed with ADHD, ODD, or Generalized Anxiety Disorder as it helps them stay calm and go with the flow. 


Blue Lace Agate helps a person to diffuse and release feelings of anger.  It brings feelings of peace and peacefulness.  It also encourages hope and eases one’s worries and anxiety.  It is a very comforting stone and can help soothe overwhelming emotions, easing crying spells and fussiness.


Blue Lace Agate aids in clear communication and is a good stone to have on you if you are going to be doing any kind of public speaking or presenting.  It eases feelings of frustration and overwhelm by helping to clear the mind and focus the thoughts.   This stone encourages honesty, both with others and with oneself. 


Physically, Blue Lace Agate helps to ease aches and pains and is especially good for easing headaches and migraines.   It also aids in clearing sinus congestion and infections.  It supports the abdomen and digestion and is good to use when the stomach is hurting or to relieve nausea.  It is also good for supporting pancreatic health.


On a spiritual level, Blue Lace Agate is wonderful for clearing and cleansing the Chakras and the Aura.  It also aids in connecting to and communicating with Angels and spirit guides.  Blue Lace Agate is often helpful to hold when on is having trouble relaxing and letting go of the mind’s chatter to meditate. 

Blue Lace Agate is a beautiful stone with a beautiful energy.  It is really a wonderful addition to any crystal collection, but especially for the crystal healer.  I highly recommend it for its calming qualities, especially when working with children or trying to calm the mind for meditation.  I also recommend it to help one go with the flow while dealing with major life changes that may cause stress and anxiety.