Just for today, Allow for Perfect Imperfection

The Reiki Principles do not tell us never to anger or worry or to always be thankful, honorable, and kind. Instead, they tell us to do these things just for today. Saying the principles each morning and night brings them into our daily practice and keeps these goals always in our sight but stating “just for today” allows for our imperfection.

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Gratitude Creates More for Which to be Grateful

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Just for today, be grateful.  For there is so much to be grateful for!  Gratitude is the easiest way for me to raise my vibrations.  As one of the Reiki principles, it is a cornerstone to my healing practice.  A grateful heart heals so much easier and faster than a resentful one.  It is so much more resilient against dis-ease.

Gratitude is easy for me at this point in my life.  I am doing well.  I feel financially secure.  I’ve finished paying off a reliable vehicle.  I love my home.  I am in a loving relationship with my best friend.  Our kids are all healthy.  Life is good and gratitude comes easy. 

I feel like my resting point has become a place of gratitude, interrupted by small moments of stress, anger, or worry from time to time.  It used to be very much the opposite.  Stress was my natural state, interrupted by small moments of joy and gratitude.  I think that to look at my life now, one might think that I am grateful because all this good has come into my life.  And they would be right, except I believe that it is a wonderful cycle that began when gratitude helped me bring this good about in the first place. 

I used to be miserable.  I was always in pain from Fibromyalgia.  Paying bills was a juggling act.  My relationships with men were toxic.  I was always saying things like, “if it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all” and “if it’s not one thing going wrong, it’s another.”  Life sucked and that is all I expected of it.  I was unhappy and resentful, and life just kept giving me more to be unhappy and resentful about.

Things began to turn around for me when I found Reiki and started practicing the principles.  In trying to practice gratitude each day in accordance with the principles, I started actively looking for things to be grateful for.  It hurt to walk when I first started practicing, but I COULD walk.  I was in sick and in pain, but my kids were healthy.  Financially, I had always struggled, but I always found a way to keep bills paid.  I stopped focusing so much on all that was wrong and turned my focus to the small, less obvious things that were good. 

The more I focused on those little things I had to be grateful for, the more they began to grow.  It was magical.  It is still magical, as my blessings continue to grow with my gratitude.  The little things became big things.  The stuff I stressed about began to fade away.  Personal disasters happened less and less.  Life is good, it is wonderful, and that is what I expect of it.  And every day I am in awe of it’s wonder and filled with gratitude. 

Metaphysical Properties of Poppy Jasper

Jaspers always make me feel connected with nature. Each one seems like a little picture to me, displaying colors and designs from nature: oceans, forests, and flowers. I think that is one of the reasons I find them so comforting. Keep reading to learn about the benefits of Poppy Jasper when used in crystal healing.

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Sharing my Spiritual Growth is my Business

When Reiki did work, when I started feeling better than I had in years and years, I heard God whisper that I needed to share it. I have done my best to listen each time Spirit whispers to me, telling me what I should do next.

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3 Step Mindful Eating Lesson for Children

Before the kids get another chance to raid my kitchen, we’re going to talk about what mindful eating is and how to practice it (we’ll also discuss how the snacks will no longer be available if we can’t get this issue under control). Here’s what I have planned.

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Metaphysical Properties of Picture Jasper

Picture Jasper is another favorite of mine. I remember having a piece in my house when I was young and be fascinated by the intricate, natural designs on it. As an adult, I can’t pass a display in a crystal shop or metaphysical supply store without stopping to look through the designs…and to make sure there are no pieces that I feel I simply must take home with me. Keep reading to learn more about the potential benefits of Picture Jasper in crystal healing work.

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Metaphysical Properties of Leopard Skin Jasper

I go through phases when I just crave the nurturing energy of Jasper. There are so many different varieties available. You can find a Jasper to support just about any issue and to clear and balance every Chakra. Leopard Skin Jasper is a good choice for Root Chakra healing, dissipating prejudices, and easing chronic conditions. Keep reading to learn more about the healing benefits of Leopard Skin Jasper.

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5 Questions to Ask Your Reiki Practitioner

In recent years Reiki has grown quite a bit in popularity.  More and more people are looking for alternative ways to care for themselves and invite healing to their lives. 

As Reiki grows in popularity, the number of professional practitioners continues to grow, as well.  How does one choose a Reiki practitioner out of the many that are now available?  The following questions can help you determine if a Reiki Practitioner is right for you.

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Virtual Travel with Visualization and Reiki

I have decided I am going to do some virtual traveling. I am going to use technology, imagination, and Reiki to broaden my horizons and enjoy new experiences. The project will have two payoffs. First, I will get a little visualized respite, a mental getaway to help me clear my mind and refresh. Second, I will be energetically aligning myself with the trips I am going to take in the future, thereby attracting them to me according to Universal Law.

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The Metaphysical Properties of Brecciated Jasper

When I first started practicing crystal healing, I went to a metaphysical supply store and began picking an assortment of stones intuitively. 

One that I was particularly drawn to was Brecciated Jasper.  The beautiful red patterns caught my attention, but there was something I found very soothing about its energy. 

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Holding Space to Heal

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For a long time, I was confused about exactly what it meant to hold space for another person.  As a healer, though, this is essential to what I do.  I hold a space for others to heal themselves.  But what does that really mean?

To me, to hold space means holding the whole, healthy, and perfect image of the person I wish to bring healing to.  Our intentions, our beliefs, are what bring about our healing.  It is hard for someone who is suffering to believe that they are whole, healthy, and perfect and that life is good and full of abundance.  The more a person is suffering, the harder it becomes for them to hold that belief that will bring them healing.  So, I hold it for them.  I hold a space for healing, while they feel and go through whatever they need to feel and go through.

I have gotten really good at holding space for friends, clients, and strangers.  I am still learning to hold space for myself and the people closest to me.  It is harder for me to detach from my own suffering or those that love.  Little by little, I am getting there, at the time of this writing, however, I am still only able to hold on to it for moment at a time.  That is okay though, I have a community I can turn to.

When I am too close the situation and unable to detach and hold that space of perfect wholeness and health for the people I love so much, it used to bring me great frustration that ultimately brought down my own vibrations and just made everything worse.  I have learned to let go of the need to do it on my own though.  I can practice detachment at my own pace and trust others to hold space for me and my family when needed.  I know I can ask my community and my church and people will hold space for me.  This is one of the great benefits of our universal connection with life. 

We are never alone in anything.  Remembering our perfection is what brings us healing, but when we cannot remember, others can remember it for us.  We can do the same for them.  This is all that ever happens in healing, really.  Someone must hold space for healing by holding the image of health in their thoughts and emotions. 

Let Go and Rise Up

The message to let go is a common one during awakening. What I am learning is that it is a continual process. Our ego’s will continuously work to get us to grasp onto the familiar to try to stay in control. We must learn to recognize when we are doing this, when we are drowning ourselves, and remember that if we let go the fight and are quiet and still, we will rise.

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Teaching my Kids About Their Conscience

I want my kids to know that their conscience isn’t a voice in their head judging their decisions and waiting to punish them when they make mistakes. I want them to realize it is the voice of their higher selves and that it is all knowing and all loving and only wishes to guide them toward their joy.

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The Metaphysical Perspective of Diagnosis Vs. Prognosis

Ernest Holmes said, “Healing is not creating a perfect idea or a perfect body; it is revealing an idea which is already perfect.” This paper discusses the metaphysical perspective of diagnosis vs. prognosis based on the writing of Ernest Holmes and the teaching of Science of Mind philosophy.

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Healing Doesn’t Just Happen – 5 Steps I Took

After being attuned, I did self-Reiki and practiced the Reiki Principles every day. I did not experience instantaneous healing, but I had hope and faith that it would help me and kept it up. Gradually, there was a change in me. Following are the five major steps, or milestones, of my healing journey.

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