The Modern Spiritual Housewife

What does it mean to be a modern housewife with a spiritual calling?

Lately, I’ve been reading about the "Trad wife" movement and seeing a lot of content from places like Ballerina Farm, where life is portrayed in such a romantic, old-fashioned way. The idea of returning to simpler times is really appealing to many, and I understand why.

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3 Step Mindful Eating Lesson for Children

Before the kids get another chance to raid my kitchen, we’re going to talk about what mindful eating is and how to practice it (we’ll also discuss how the snacks will no longer be available if we can’t get this issue under control). Here’s what I have planned.

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Teaching my Kids About Their Conscience

I want my kids to know that their conscience isn’t a voice in their head judging their decisions and waiting to punish them when they make mistakes. I want them to realize it is the voice of their higher selves and that it is all knowing and all loving and only wishes to guide them toward their joy.

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