Clear and Balance the Throat Chakra with Reiki

Have you ever felt like your voice is trapped, unable to express your true thoughts and feelings? This struggle is often linked to a blockage in the Throat Chakra, the energy center responsible for communication and self-expression.

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The Metaphysical Properties of Hematite

I have found Hematite tremendously helpful in situations in which I felt fearful. I also find it to be a good stone to keep myself grounded and increase concentration and focus. I use it to help with my ADD symptoms and have given my son a large stone to help him cope with ADHD. Keep reading to learn more about how Hematite can be used in your crystal healing practice.

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A Little Peace and Reiki

My Peace and Reiki Day will include an energetic clearing of our home. It really needs it. Everything feels a bit stagnant. I will also be giving myself a full self-Reiki treatment. I’m going to go all out like I would for a client. I’ll set the stage with candles and soft music. I’ll use my crystals and have plenty of ice water available. I’m going to take time for yoga and meditation.

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Reiki for the Holidays

It does not matter what holidays you celebrate, why you celebrate, or how. Reiki can easily be made a part of your holiday traditions. Only you can know the best way to weave Reiki into your holidays, but I will share with you some of the ways I have brought Reiki into mine to give you an idea of how easily it can be done and the benefits it can have. Keep reading to learn more.

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Small Healthy Changes That Can Have a Big Impact on Mental and Physical Health

Many people believe they are simply too busy to make their physical and mental health and wellness a priority. They often mistakenly think that there isn’t enough time to focus on exercise, cook healthy meals, reduce stress, or practice self-care. If that sounds familiar, here are a few tips to help you start and stick to a head-to-toe health overhaul.

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Just for Today, it is Okay to Reprioritize

Just for today, living honorably means acknowledging that priorities have changed for the time being. It means forgiving myself when business gets put off and the house becomes a mess. It means being grateful for the opportunity to spend my days with my children and sharing this unplanned and unexpected experience with them.

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Metaphysical Properties of Yellow Fluorite

Yellow Fluorite is another great stone for cleansing and balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra. It has a subtle, yet steady and powerful energy. I always feel drawn to Yellow Fluorite when I feel there are layers of emotion that need to be brought to the surface to help heal one’s self-esteem and raise their confidence as well as their sense of abundance. It is also a stone a turn to for aiding in physical issues to do with the stomach and liver. Keep reading to learn more about the healing benefits of Yellow Fluorite.

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Metaphysical Properties of Citrine and Heat-Treated Amethyst

Citrine and heat-treated Amethyst are among my favorite stones to use for clearing and balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra and I always keep plenty of them around for this purpose. While Citrine can be expensive, heat-treated Amethyst is an inexpensive alternative that is easy to find in almost all crystal shops.

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Prioritizing Family Healing

I took some time to think about it and realized I have treated children professionally more in the last couple of months than I had my own children. I took for granted they would ask if they wanted me to work with them or that they would practice on their own as long as I set an example and they were regularly exposed to my personal practice. I have been so busy managing my business, supervising virtual schooling, and running the household, that I had not realized the poor condition of my family’s energetic health. Not only my children need healing, but my life partner, as well. Now I know, I have to reprioritize and find a better way.

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Metaphysical Properties of Celestite (Celestine)

It is wonderful for helping the user connect with the spiritual realm and communicate their truth. I use it often personally, especially when I need to speak publicly. It helps me to calm my social anxieties and get my message across more clearly. This fragile blue crystal is absolutely beautiful in clusters and I have many of them throughout my home. Keep reading to learn more about the healing benefits of Celestite.

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Metaphysical Properties of Carnelian

Carnelian is one of the first crystals I found myself really drawn to for healing purposes. It helped me tremendously while I was learning to set healthier boundaries in relationships and heal my codependent tendencies. It also helped to lift the depression I had been living with and aligned me with a much more joyful energy. It is now one of my favorite crystals to use for healing purposes. Keep reading to learn more about the healing benefits this stone that ranges from light orange to a deep red.

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Metaphysical Properties of Yellow Calcite

The bright yellow shades of Yellow Calcite make it a wonderful stone for cleansing and balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra. Its sunny color is also good for bring joy, hope, and optimism into the users’ life. I have a necklace made with Yellow Calcite beads that always feels fun to me and brightens my mood. It is hard not to feel happy when using Yellow Calcite. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of Yellow Calcite when used in crystal healing.

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