Emotional Communication with Your Higher Self

According to Abraham Hicks (channeled by Esther Hicks) we each have a direct line of communication with our higher selves, or as Abraham refers to it, our inner selves that comes in the form of our emotions.  The more pleasant our emotions feel, the better aligned we are with our higher self.  The more unpleasant our emotions, the more out of alignment we are.  This concept resonates with me and is in sync with my personal experience.

Often unpleasant emotions are thought of as a bad thing, especially is some New Age circles.  For one thing, they just don’t feel good, and we like to feel good.  For another, we know that they can attract things we don’t want into our lives.  However, emotions are really a wonderful thing, no matter how they feel. 

When we accept our emotions as messages from Spirit or our higher self, it is easier for us not to identify with them for our sense of self.  We can look at our emotions more objectively, with less attachment.  Examine your emotions and what triggers them.  If they are pleasant emotions, you know that the trigger is something you are aligned with and that it is best for you right now.  If they are unpleasant emotions, you know that there is something wrong and that you need to set new boundaries or adjust your behavior.  Don’t try to deny your emotions, let yourself feel them and explore them, just be careful not to adopt them as your identity.  Figure out what they are trying to tell you, move through them, and then take any necessary actions to move into better alignment with your highest good. 

Our emotions are the quickest way for us to determine if something is in our best interest or not.  As long as we face out emotions honestly, we can depend on our emotional communication system to help us make all the right choices.  Whenever you are unsure if something is right for you, simply as yourself, and then pay attention to how you feel.  Are the emotions produced pleasant or unpleasant?  Be sure to pay attention to the gut emotion that you feel.  Sometimes when we really want something to be right for us, we will try to ignore a little, unpleasant gut feeling that is trying to warn us away from it.  Don’t confuse your thoughts and ego desires as feelings.  Really pay attention to the emotion you feel in your gut and in your heart and it will guide you. 

Your emotions are like a compass, guiding you to your highest good.  They are a communication tool, not a part of your identity.  If you learn to explore than in an unattached manner, they can become a useful and powerful asset in your personal growth and spiritual awakening.