10 Self-Care Suggestions for Reiki Practitioners

As Reiki Practitioners we are dedicated to helping others find balance, peace, and healing. However, we need to remember that to be effective in helping others, we must also prioritize our own well-being. Self-care isn't a luxury but a necessity for maintaining our energy and continuing to offer the best healing possible.

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5 Ways to Connect with Your Spirit Guides

Connecting with your spirit guides can be a very enlightening experience. Each of us has a unique path, and different methods will resonate with different people. Here are five ways to help you get in touch with your spirit guides. If one approach doesn’t feel right, keep exploring until you find what works for you.

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3 Steps to Transform Limiting Beliefs

A limiting belief is a belief we have taken on over time that sets false limitations upon us.  Limiting beliefs usually begin to develop during early childhood.  Often, they are the result of ideas and opinions of others being forced upon us.  We were told we what we could and couldn’t do and how the world works and what to expect from it from the people that we looked up to and trusted to guide us.  However good intentioned they may have been, most caregivers will inevitably pass on some type of limiting beliefs to their charges.  This is just a consequence of their attachment to their own beliefs.  It is not something to be judged as good or bad, it just is. 

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5 Steps for Creating a Happy Life

I used to feel stuck in the life I was living. I was anxious and depressed and nothing in my life had turned out the way I had planned. I finally learned how to break free and create the life I really wanted. Now, I want to share with you 5 tips for creating a happier life.

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