What is the Difference Between New Age and New Thought?

New Age and New Thought are two movements that have inspired countless individuals on their spiritual and healing journeys. Many people seem to confuse the two or believe them to be the same.  While they share similarities, they are actually quite different.  Understanding their differences can deepen our appreciation for each path.

New Thought: The Power of Our Minds

New Thought, which emerged in the late 19th century, centers on the power of our thoughts. This movement teaches that our thoughts shape our reality and that by changing our thinking, we can change our lives. I remember when I first encountered New Thought principles—I felt a sense of empowerment I’d never known. This philosophy emphasizes our connection to a divine power, encouraging us to tap into this source to manifest our desires.

New Thought has religious roots in Christian Science but has evolved into a more universal philosophy. It teaches that by using positive affirmations and visualization techniques, we can overcome limitations and achieve our goals. The idea that we can co-create our reality with the divine has been a cornerstone of my own spiritual practice and has profoundly impacted the way I approach life.

New Age: Embracing Cosmic Consciousness

The New Age movement came about in the 1960s and 1970s. New Age spirituality includes practices such as astrology, crystal healing, energy healing, and channeling, among many others. Similar to New Thought, this movement celebrates the interconnectedness of all things, suggesting that we are all part of a larger cosmic consciousness. I use New Age tools in my daily work likand in my personal healing.

New Age philosophy encourages us to use spiritual practices like meditation and energy healing to tap into the collective consciousness and create positive change in the world. This holistic approach resonates with those seeking a deeper connection with the universe and a more integrated spiritual practice.

Finding Your Path

In my own journey, I have found value in both movements. New Thought's focus consciously tapping into the Spirit within to manifest change and empowered me to create the life I always wanted. Meanwhile, New Age practices like energy and crystal healing have supported my journey by giving me tools that helped me to get my thought, emotional, and physical health in balance.

Both New Thought and New Age offer valuable insights and tools for personal growth and spiritual development. It's essential to explore these paths with discernment and choose the practices that resonate with your spirit. Whether you are drawn to the empowering teachings of New Thought, the holistic practices of New Age, or both, they can guide you towards a happier, more fulfilling, and spiritually enriched life.