Reiki Circle Opening Meditation

After looking around for a good meditation to use, I decided to write it myself this month.   To prepare, I took some time to center myself and activate Reiki with gratitude and intention.  I used the power symbol to help charge my energy, the mental/emotional symbol to get into my creative zone, and the distance/connection symbol to connect with divine guidance for inspiration.  I wanted to share the results with you.

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Reiki Healing for Domestic Abuse

I’d like to ask you to join me in this mission to help empower victims and help them to understand that it is not okay, it’s not their fault, and they don’t deserve it.  I ask you to use whatever tools you choose to direct positive intention and energy at this problem.  If you practice Reiki, I ask that you write the situation of domestic violence on paper and hold the paper between your hands and give it Reiki or send the situation distance healing. 

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1 Way to Tell if You Are Meant to Be a Healer

As a Reiki Master, part of my job is to train others in Reiki.  I want to help fellow Masters spread this wonderful modality throughout the world.  I want to help people discover Reiki and what it can do for them.  In my endeavor to reach students, I asked myself what it means to be a healer and what clues are there to let a person know if it is the right path for them. 

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30 Self-Care Activities

I believe that self-love is the most important factor in a happy life.  When you love yourself, anything is possible.  Good self-care is a big part of a healthy self-love.  There is a wide range of activities we can do to care for ourselves, from meeting our basic needs to working on self-improvement. 

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Reiki Explained: What It is and What It is Not

Reiki has become a fairly common practice in many parts of the Western World.  There are still places, however, where it is largely unknown.  In the Midwestern United States, many people have never even heard of Reiki, let alone have any idea what it is.  As a Reiki practitioner in Missouri, I often have to explain to people exactly what it is I do and answer the question; what is Reiki?

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What is the Deal with Reiki Attunements?

There seems to be a lot of confusion when it comes to Usui Reiki attunements.  Do I really need an attunement to practice Usui Reiki?  Do I need to be attuned to Animal Reiki to treat animals?  There are so many types of Reiki, do I need to be attuned to them all?  Do distance attunements work?  Can I download my attunement automatically by reading a book about Reiki or by watching an attunement video on YouTube?  These are a few questions about attunements that I hear regularly. 

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You Have the Power to Heal Yourself

Life force energy surrounds and permeates all things.  This is the premise of any energy healing system.  This truth is what makes it all work.  And since life force energy is everywhere, it is freely available to us all.  You don’t have to be trained or attuned in any particular system in order to have access to this energy. 

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4 Steps for Manifesting Love

As I scroll through social media feeds, I often see posts from people who are desperately lonely.  They are seeking love and friendship to bring them fulfillment.  Many of them think that if they can just find the right person, their world will brighten up and everything will get better.  Instead of just waiting to find Mr. or Mrs. Right for things to get better, I offer the following suggestions to manifest more love in your life.

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The 7 Major Chakras

Becoming familiar with your energy body can give you a clearer understanding of the steps you need to take to keep yourself well balanced and healthy. Today, I’d like to talk about Chakras. The Chakras are the part of our energy body that processes the natural energy flow; the Ki.  Chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit.  When the Chakras are blocked or receiving too much or too little energy to keep the flow balanced, our emotional, mental, and physical health can be affected.  It is believed that there are seven major Chakra’s in our energy body. 

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Finding Fibromyalgia Relief with Reiki

Four years ago, it was not uncommon to find me laying in the fetal position on my floor, crying in pain and frustration.  When I was 24, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.  At that time, I had pain in the classic tender points that help to define the condition and unexplained, arthritis type pain in my arms, hands, legs and feet.  As time went by the conditioned worsened, and by the time I was 34, there I could be found, curled up on the floor crying. 

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Crystal Reiki Home Energy Clearing in 4 Steps

If you would like to cleanse your own home, no matter what your particular skill set, I believe you have the power to do so.  I would suggest researching the many possible ways to go about it, ask for spiritual guidance, and then follow your intuition and do what feels right to you. 

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5 Steps to Create, Use, and Maintain a Reiki Box

A Reiki Box is just as it sounds, a box that you give Reiki to.  You can place the names of people or list situations that you would like to send Reiki to inside the box to send them all energy at once.  This is an effective way to quickly and easily send Reiki to multiple people or situation at time, however I don’t believe that it works in the same way or with quite the same results as a personal, individualized session.

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5 Steps for Creating a Happy Life

I used to feel stuck in the life I was living. I was anxious and depressed and nothing in my life had turned out the way I had planned. I finally learned how to break free and create the life I really wanted. Now, I want to share with you 5 tips for creating a happier life.

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How Gratitude Transformed My Life

Just for today, be grateful. These words have life changing power when you put them into practice. Teaching me to be grateful for all of my blessings is another gift Reiki has given.

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3 Ways to Release Worry

The Reiki Principles tell us not to worry, but that can be easier said than done. It is one thing to state, “Just for today, I will not worry.” It is another to actually calm your mind and let your worries go. When we learn to let go of our worries and faith that we find the right solutions to our problems, the right solutions are more likely to come to us.

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