Reiki Healing and Training for Children

If you have children, I encourage you to introduce them to Reiki while they are young and if they have an interest, help them to train to be practitioners themselves.  Children are so open to new things and the magic of Reiki fits well into their lives.  Their open minds and imaginations give them an advantage over adults who have learned to be skeptical and doubt what they cannot see. 

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1 Way to Tell if You Are Meant to Be a Healer

As a Reiki Master, part of my job is to train others in Reiki.  I want to help fellow Masters spread this wonderful modality throughout the world.  I want to help people discover Reiki and what it can do for them.  In my endeavor to reach students, I asked myself what it means to be a healer and what clues are there to let a person know if it is the right path for them. 

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Reiki Explained: What It is and What It is Not

Reiki has become a fairly common practice in many parts of the Western World.  There are still places, however, where it is largely unknown.  In the Midwestern United States, many people have never even heard of Reiki, let alone have any idea what it is.  As a Reiki practitioner in Missouri, I often have to explain to people exactly what it is I do and answer the question; what is Reiki?

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What is the Deal with Reiki Attunements?

There seems to be a lot of confusion when it comes to Usui Reiki attunements.  Do I really need an attunement to practice Usui Reiki?  Do I need to be attuned to Animal Reiki to treat animals?  There are so many types of Reiki, do I need to be attuned to them all?  Do distance attunements work?  Can I download my attunement automatically by reading a book about Reiki or by watching an attunement video on YouTube?  These are a few questions about attunements that I hear regularly. 

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