Have you ever felt like your voice is trapped, unable to express your true thoughts and feelings? This struggle is often linked to a blockage in the Throat Chakra, the energy center responsible for communication and self-expression.
Read moreA Little Peace and Reiki
My Peace and Reiki Day will include an energetic clearing of our home. It really needs it. Everything feels a bit stagnant. I will also be giving myself a full self-Reiki treatment. I’m going to go all out like I would for a client. I’ll set the stage with candles and soft music. I’ll use my crystals and have plenty of ice water available. I’m going to take time for yoga and meditation.
Read moreReiki for a New Year
No one year has ever seemed to be so individualized and alive to me as 2020 has. Between the Pandemic, the racial justice movement, and profound personal change and growth, 2020 seemed to be infused with an energy and life force all its own.
Read moreReiki for the Holidays
It does not matter what holidays you celebrate, why you celebrate, or how. Reiki can easily be made a part of your holiday traditions. Only you can know the best way to weave Reiki into your holidays, but I will share with you some of the ways I have brought Reiki into mine to give you an idea of how easily it can be done and the benefits it can have. Keep reading to learn more.
Read morePrioritizing Family Healing
I took some time to think about it and realized I have treated children professionally more in the last couple of months than I had my own children. I took for granted they would ask if they wanted me to work with them or that they would practice on their own as long as I set an example and they were regularly exposed to my personal practice. I have been so busy managing my business, supervising virtual schooling, and running the household, that I had not realized the poor condition of my family’s energetic health. Not only my children need healing, but my life partner, as well. Now I know, I have to reprioritize and find a better way.
Read moreReiki Aided Meditation
I was slow to add meditation to my self-care and spiritual practice. I have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder Without Hyperactivity). Sitting still and quieting my mind seemed like an impossible feat. I did not think I would ever be able to get to that sweet spot I had heard of. That place of calm connectedness sounded so good to me but seemed so out of reach.
Read moreGiving Objects Reiki Attunements
Can an object be attuned to Reiki? This question came to me about a year ago, but the seed for it was planted early on in my Reiki practice. You see, many people sell items they market as “Reiki Charged”. In fact, I used methods I found in articles on Reiki Rays to charge items with Reiki myself. As time went on though, and I became more familiar with the energy, I began to wonder exactly what this charging was doing.
Read moreCleansing and Balancing the Energy of Objects with Reiki
When the natural vibrational signature of the object is disrupted it may cause the object to either break, cease to function in the way is should, or cause people to feel uneasy while near it or using it. Reiki can be used to help restore and maintain the true energetic balance of your objects.
Read moreGiving Reiki to Food and Drinks
The life-force energy in our food is one of the ways that it nourishes us. So, it stands to reason that giving Reiki to our food would be beneficial. Just as Reiki recharges and balances the life-force energy within us, it does the same to our food and drinks.
Read moreCombining Reiki with Motherly Love
Combining Reiki with a mother’s loving touch and healing kisses is a sure-fire way to bring a child relief. When we touch our children lovingly, we make them feel safe and loved. This feeling of secure love helps them to fully relax into the flow of Reiki. It also triggers their feelings of trust in us and that trust is often then more easily extended to Reiki, helping the child accept with ease the energy flowing to the them.
Read more3 Tips for Staying Motivated in Your Reiki Practice
It is tough to find time, but it shouldn’t be impossible. We can fit Reiki into our lives in so many ways. Once we incorporate a regular practice into our routine, if we can keep it up long enough, it becomes a habit and then doesn’t seem to be such an imposition. So, how can we work into our daily routine? Here are three tips to help you stay motivated.
Read moreFear of the Highest Good and What Can Trigger It
I had someone reach out to me wanting Reiki sent to a specific situation for a specific outcome. I told them I would send Reiki for their highest good and that of the situation. They asked me not to do this and expressed fear of their highest good. At first this may seem a strange fear, but it is not an uncommon one.
There are three common reasons this fear of a person’s highest good may manifest. One is that they do not believe they deserve to experience good things. If a person believes that they do not deserve the very best in life, they may fear that their highest good isn’t going to be very enjoyable. There may be a sense of wanting to set low expectations so as not to be disappointed. This is belief of not deserving good things is a faulty belief that will keep a person out of alignment with their higher-self and block their highest good. Reiki may relieve the block temporarily, but in order to facilitate lasting change, the person will need to recognize their true worthiness. Raising their confidence and level of self-love will be necessary.
Another reason one may fear aligning with their highest good is a belief that it means being the best version of themselves and that maybe the best version of themselves will not be the most fun or enjoyable version. They may fear the responsibility of always having to be the best they can be. They may need help to realize that being in alignment with our highest good will always feel good. They need to know that when something is in their highest good, the responsibility will come naturally and feel right to them once they let go of resistance they hold due to faulty beliefs. They may also need some guidance in discovering what their higher self is trying to tell them, through their emotions, that their highest good is.
A third reason a fear of one’s highest good may present itself is if, at least on some level, the person knows that what they want is not in their best interest. This may happen when a person is in a situation that causes a pleasure response but is unhealthy for them. For example, a drama heavy relationship, drug and alcohol use, or eating junk foods can all have this effect, as well as many other things. What people need to learn in this situation is that the joy that can result from aligning with their higher good will far outweigh the pleasure they find in these unhealthy things. Letting go can be hard and painful but is worth the effort.
Although all of these things must be overcome in order to come into alignment with one’s greatest good, that can only happen if they are ready. In a healing practice, there may be times that we will work with people who are struggling with these sorts of faulty beliefs. Although we may recognize them, it is good to try to guide those struggling to their own conclusion of where this fear of the highest good is coming from and how they can best overcome it while supporting them with Reiki and love.
Opening and Closing Words for Reiki Sessions
When I was first taught Reiki, I was only told to put my hands in prayer position and give thanks to Reiki and set the intention for healing before I begin a session. I love that my Reiki Master was vague about how exactly to do this, because it allowed me freedom to explore and find the words that worked best for me. This ritual can be as simple or in depth as the practitioner feels is right. The words I use have evolved over time to reflect things I have learned and to include “helpers.” I encourage my students to listen to their higher-self and find the words that resonate the most for them to begin their own sessions. I believe this is a personal practice and should be meaningful and unique to each practitioner.
Read moreWhy I Charge for Reiki
Charging for Reiki is one of those controversial things that each practitioner will have to form their own opinion on. On one side of the argument you have those who feel Reiki should always be given free of charge as it comes from energy that the Universe has provided for us all. On the other, there are those who believe it should never be given away free.
Read moreReiki Explained: What It is and What It is Not
Reiki has become a fairly common practice in many parts of the Western World. There are still places, however, where it is largely unknown. In the Midwestern United States, many people have never even heard of Reiki, let alone have any idea what it is. As a Reiki practitioner in Missouri, I often have to explain to people exactly what it is I do and answer the question; what is Reiki?
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