Empowering Kids with 1st Degree Reiki

As children become 1st degree Reiki practitioners, they learn how to channel and work with energy to promote healing. This knowledge gives them the power to care for their own mental, emotional, and physical health.

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Combining Reiki with Motherly Love

Combining Reiki with a mother’s loving touch and healing kisses is a sure-fire way to bring a child relief. When we touch our children lovingly, we make them feel safe and loved. This feeling of secure love helps them to fully relax into the flow of Reiki. It also triggers their feelings of trust in us and that trust is often then more easily extended to Reiki, helping the child accept with ease the energy flowing to the them.

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3 Tips for Teaching Reiki to Kids

Children are especially good at learning Reiki because they are so open-minded and often have more faith in the unseen than adults do.  We’re born with natural healing abilities, but society does not support their development and the ability gets lost.

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