Have you ever felt like your voice is trapped, unable to express your true thoughts and feelings? This struggle is often linked to a blockage in the Throat Chakra, the energy center responsible for communication and self-expression.
Keeping the Throat Chakra clear and balanced is important for both personal and professional growth. Here are the steps for using Reiki to clear the Throat Chakra, helping you to unlock your voice and enhance your overall well-being.
9 Steps to Clear and Balance Your Throat Chakra
Make your connection with Reiki in whatever way feels right to you.
Set the intention bring healing for your highest good. Intend to clear any blocked or stagnant energy that is not serving you. Intend to open and balance the throat Chakra.
Hold your hands to your throat in a way that feels comfortable to you.
If you have a blue crystal you would like to use to assist with this healing, set that intention and hold the crystal to your throat as you channel Reiki.
Begin to breath consciously. Take deep breaths in through the nose. Let them out as a powerful, loud sigh. Use your breath and voice to push energy up through the Throat Chakra. Continue to breath this way until you feel intuitively it is time to stop (if you begin to feel at all lightheaded, discontinue this part of the exercise).
If you are attuned to the Reiki symbols, draw them on the front of your throat. If not continue to the next step.
Set the intention that Reiki continue to flow through you for your highest good and for the clearing and balancing of your throat Chakra for as long as is needed.
Give thanks to Spirit for this healing.
Drink cold water to ease the throat and help with grounding after the session.
Keeping the Throat Chakra clear and balanced allows you to communicate more freely and authentically. By incorporating Reiki techniques into your daily practice, you can release the blockages that hinder your self-expression.
Next, read about Angelite, the perfect crystal to compliment Reiki in clearing and balance the Throat Chakra.