“Thank you, Spirit, for guiding me to Reiki. Thank you, Master Usui, for developing the system of Reiki from which my practice originated. Thank you, Madam Takata, for bringing Usui’s system to the western world. Thank you, Madam Phyllis Furumoto and all other masters for sharing your wisdom. I invite the ascended masters, my spirit guides, Archangels Michael, Raphael and Zadkiel and any other angels or positive entities who wish to join me in this work. I ask that you guide me and help me to channel healing energy for the highest good.”
Activating Reiki
I put my hands together at my heart in the Gassho position and I say the above words, out loud when I feel it is appropriate or in my mind when it is not, before each Reiki session. This helps me to center myself and “activate” Reiki for the session (although I believe Reiki is always active within and all around us). Inviting others to help me with the session gives me a sense of support and confidence that I am offering the best for the recipient.
Make it Personal
When I was first taught Reiki, I was only told to put my hands in prayer position and give thanks to Reiki and set the intention for healing before I begin a session. I love that my Reiki Master was vague about how exactly to do this, because it allowed me freedom to explore and find the words that worked best for me. This ritual can be as simple or in depth as the practitioner feels is right. The words I use have evolved over time to reflect things I have learned and to include “helpers.” I encourage my students to listen to their higher-self and find the words that resonate the most for them to begin their own sessions. I believe this is a personal practice and should be meaningful and unique to each practitioner.
Closing a Reiki Session
In the same way, I also believe that each session should be closed in the way that most resonates with the practitioner. I was taught only to give thanks for the session, and I believe that this should always be done, but the manner in which it is done should be up to the practitioner. I personally say the following.
“Thank you Spirit and Reiki for making this session possible and to all guides, angels, and entities who were with me for this work. Please let Reiki continue to flow as long as needed to bring about the highest good.”
Make it Personal
In your own practice, experiment with different wording until you find what feels best and resonates the most for you. Make your opening and closing rituals special for you and don’t worry if you are doing it right. There is no right or wrong way to open or close a Reiki session. Intention is everything here and as long as you set your intention to bring healing for the highest good, your efforts will be successful.