I have studied a lot of different teachers of the Law of Attraction. There are a few things that seem to be agreed upon among them all. One of them is the importance of the use of your imagination. You have to be able to see what it is you want, feel what it would be like to have it, and know it’s coming to you. You must be able to experience something that hasn’t manifested yet.
Read moreFollowing Where Spirit Leads
How silly it would be to call some woman I barely knew, out of the blue, more than 15 years since I’d last seen her. And yet, I felt like I was supposed to. Why else would the number have shown up?
Read moreAsk and You Will Receive
As I was unpacking, I came across my manifestation notebook and remembered the list I had written about the house I wanted. As I read the list, I was amazed that every single item from it was fulfilled in our new home.
Read moreAuthentic Positivity
Positive thinking, in the way I use it, isn’t about thinking happy thoughts that deny reality. It is about accepting reality as it is then choosing to focus my thoughts on possible solutions and positive aspects rather than dwell for long on troubling issues.
Read moreThe Scariest Thing About the Law of Attraction
I believe that part of the resistance some people have to accepting the power of the Law of Attraction is that it means accepting that we have had a hand in everything that we’ve attracted into our lives and that the responsibility is fully on us.
Read moreThe Right Resources Will Come
The reader I held in my mind while I was writing, and who I will focus most of my marketing on, is one who will be able to relate to my personal story, which takes up a good portion of the book. As I publish my book though, I hold in my heart everyone who just wants to start feeling better. I know that my book will not speak to all these people, but I send my love out to them with faith that the right guidance and resources will come to each and every one.
Read moreIf I Can Help Just One
When I decided to author a book, I had no idea how it would unfold. I knew I wanted to teach about using the Law of Attraction to manifest a better life. How I wanted to do that took a while to figure out.
Read moreReturning From the State of Flow
When I return to the full power of my physical senses after being in a state of deep spiritual awareness and connection, it is just not a comfortable transition for me. Maybe I need to learn to stay in my body more during the spiritual connection, but at this point in my development, trying to tether myself to my body inhibits that state of flow for me. I have found ways to make the transition less uncomfortable, though.
Read moreMy Mission to Spread Hope
As long as I was feeling hopeless and focusing on how rotten my life was, I couldn’t do anything to fix it. It isn’t enough just to tell people to think better thoughts, though. Better thoughts just won’t come when someone is experiencing too much pain. First the pain needs tended to. Responsibility needs to be accepted. Hope needs to be found.
Read moreRaising My Point of Attraction After an Accident
I took a deep breath and focused on relaxing. Once my body was calm, I turned to calming my mind.
Read moreWhen Inspiration to Manifest Fizzles
Have you ever had this happen? You get an idea, and it feels great. You start working on it and you get totally in the flow. Everything is going along and great…. just rolling along… and then all of the sudden it isn’t. The flow has been interrupted. Usually, our own thoughts do the interrupting. Is this as good as I think it is? Maybe this isn’t really a great idea after all. This seems to be taking too long to manifest. Are challenges a sign this is wrong for me? Maybe I should just give up.
Read moreAre Your Desires Aligned with Good?
I took a course by Eckhart Tolle in which he taught of the importance of manifesting from the Spirit rather than the ego. This raises the question of how to tell if one is creating from Spirit or ego. Egos can be pretty tricky. How can be sure that what we wish to create is in alignment with Spirit and not just an egoic desire?
Read moreThe 3 Basic Principles of Manifesting
No single technique is going to work for everyone, and you are the ultimate authority of what is the best practice for you. However, I have found a few basic principles of manifesting that remain largely unchanged from one teacher to another.
Read moreNew Plans for a New Year
As the end of the year rapidly approaches it is time to reflect and plan.
Read moreFocus on What you Want
We are constantly manifesting our own reality. We always have been, and we always will be. When we speak of manifesting what we usually mean, and what I mean in this article is conscious manifesting. Conscious manifesting is what we do when we take control of the Law of Attraction, or what Ernest Holmes referred to as the Law of Mind.
Read more3 Tips for Raising Your Vibrational Frequency
When we feel good, we are vibrating at a higher frequency and attracting good, higher frequency experiences. When we feel badly, we are vibrating at a lower frequency and will attract less pleasant, lower frequency experiences. Following are some tips for staying at a higher frequency vibration.
Read moreGratitude Creates More for Which to be Grateful
Just for today, be grateful. For there is so much to be grateful for! Gratitude is the easiest way for me to raise my vibrations. As one of the Reiki principles, it is a cornerstone to my healing practice. A grateful heart heals so much easier and faster than a resentful one. It is so much more resilient against dis-ease.
Gratitude is easy for me at this point in my life. I am doing well. I feel financially secure. I’ve finished paying off a reliable vehicle. I love my home. I am in a loving relationship with my best friend. Our kids are all healthy. Life is good and gratitude comes easy.
I feel like my resting point has become a place of gratitude, interrupted by small moments of stress, anger, or worry from time to time. It used to be very much the opposite. Stress was my natural state, interrupted by small moments of joy and gratitude. I think that to look at my life now, one might think that I am grateful because all this good has come into my life. And they would be right, except I believe that it is a wonderful cycle that began when gratitude helped me bring this good about in the first place.
I used to be miserable. I was always in pain from Fibromyalgia. Paying bills was a juggling act. My relationships with men were toxic. I was always saying things like, “if it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all” and “if it’s not one thing going wrong, it’s another.” Life sucked and that is all I expected of it. I was unhappy and resentful, and life just kept giving me more to be unhappy and resentful about.
Things began to turn around for me when I found Reiki and started practicing the principles. In trying to practice gratitude each day in accordance with the principles, I started actively looking for things to be grateful for. It hurt to walk when I first started practicing, but I COULD walk. I was in sick and in pain, but my kids were healthy. Financially, I had always struggled, but I always found a way to keep bills paid. I stopped focusing so much on all that was wrong and turned my focus to the small, less obvious things that were good.
The more I focused on those little things I had to be grateful for, the more they began to grow. It was magical. It is still magical, as my blessings continue to grow with my gratitude. The little things became big things. The stuff I stressed about began to fade away. Personal disasters happened less and less. Life is good, it is wonderful, and that is what I expect of it. And every day I am in awe of it’s wonder and filled with gratitude.
Is Practicing Positive Thinking the Same as Spiritual Bypassing?
Spiritual bypassing occurs when rather than examining, accepting, and learning from the contrast of our negative feelings and experiences to get us to the ones we want to have, we attempt to repress them or pretend they do not exist, we try to replace them with positive thoughts and feelings we don’t really believe, and then fail to take right-action steps.
Read moreThe Power of Conscious Intention
I have recently realized that intention is not only the most powerful ingredient in my spiritual work and healing practice, but in all areas of my life. I trust the Universe, Spirit, will find a way to bring all of my intentions to fruition. It is only when I forget this that life seems hard and things feel as if they are going wrong.
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