The Right Resources Will Come

The reader I held in my mind while I was writing, and who I will focus most of my marketing on, is one who will be able to relate to my personal story, which takes up a good portion of the book. As I publish my book though, I hold in my heart everyone who just wants to start feeling better. I know that my book will not speak to all these people, but I send my love out to them with faith that the right guidance and resources will come to each and every one.

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Returning From the State of Flow

When I return to the full power of my physical senses after being in a state of deep spiritual awareness and connection, it is just not a comfortable transition for me. Maybe I need to learn to stay in my body more during the spiritual connection, but at this point in my development, trying to tether myself to my body inhibits that state of flow for me. I have found ways to make the transition less uncomfortable, though.

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My Mission to Spread Hope

As long as I was feeling hopeless and focusing on how rotten my life was, I couldn’t do anything to fix it. It isn’t enough just to tell people to think better thoughts, though. Better thoughts just won’t come when someone is experiencing too much pain. First the pain needs tended to. Responsibility needs to be accepted. Hope needs to be found.

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3 Steps Towards Finding Peace

Peace is not an external thing that we will be able to locate somewhere. It is a state of mind. Peace is obtained by finding the quiet space within us and focusing on that. It is only through our inner being that true peace is possible. If you are searching for peace, try following these steps.

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3 Tips for Raising Your Vibrational Frequency

When we feel good, we are vibrating at a higher frequency and attracting good, higher frequency experiences. When we feel badly, we are vibrating at a lower frequency and will attract less pleasant, lower frequency experiences. Following are some tips for staying at a higher frequency vibration.

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Sharing my Spiritual Growth is my Business

When Reiki did work, when I started feeling better than I had in years and years, I heard God whisper that I needed to share it. I have done my best to listen each time Spirit whispers to me, telling me what I should do next.

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Let Go and Rise Up

The message to let go is a common one during awakening. What I am learning is that it is a continual process. Our ego’s will continuously work to get us to grasp onto the familiar to try to stay in control. We must learn to recognize when we are doing this, when we are drowning ourselves, and remember that if we let go the fight and are quiet and still, we will rise.

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Healing Doesn’t Just Happen – 5 Steps I Took

After being attuned, I did self-Reiki and practiced the Reiki Principles every day. I did not experience instantaneous healing, but I had hope and faith that it would help me and kept it up. Gradually, there was a change in me. Following are the five major steps, or milestones, of my healing journey.

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Just for Today, it is Okay to Reprioritize

Just for today, living honorably means acknowledging that priorities have changed for the time being. It means forgiving myself when business gets put off and the house becomes a mess. It means being grateful for the opportunity to spend my days with my children and sharing this unplanned and unexpected experience with them.

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3 Steps to Turn Your Spiritual Education into Spiritual Practice

One day I realized that my list of completed courses and certifications was growing impressively, but my actual spiritual practice had become stagnant. I was taking in a ton of great information but failing to apply it. I had acquired all sorts of new tools to care for myself and nurture my spiritual growth, but they were just sitting there in my toolkit, unused.

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Are You on the Right Path?

Wherever we find ourselves is where we are meant to be. If it is not exactly “right” it is usually a learning experience that helps us get there or a little detour that may not look the way we expected but will take us just where we need to be. However, there are a few things you can look for to help you determine if you may need to make any course corrections.

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6 Questions to Help Healers Cope When a Loved One is Not Ready to Heal

It is one of the most difficult lessons of helping people as a lightworker.  You learn that you are not a healer to anyone but yourself.  Everyone must do their own work.  By working on your own self-healing you raise the collective vibrations and make things a bit easier in the world and you are able to lead by example and you are in a position to hold space and inspire hope, but you cannot heal anyone else. 

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