You Have a Responsibility to Create Your Reality

We are constantly creating our reality through the thoughts we focus on and integrate as part of ourselves.  This cannot be escaped.  It is a natural, universal law. 

When a person is unaware of the law of attraction and how it works, they can hardly be blamed for the reality they have created for themselves.  Before having this knowledge, our reality consists largely of situations that have been created the false and limiting beliefs we have picked up from others.

Faulty Mind Programming

From our birth we begin to take in messages about fear, lack, and limitation from our family and the world around us.  To protect us from danger, our brains take it all in and our ego begins giving us instructions and we usually follow them blindly. 

Wherever you find yourself now, is the result of the things your brain has been programmed to manifest.  If you don’t like where you are, it is up to you to change the programming and manifest something better.

It took me years to learn this.  I felt like such a victim in life, and I felt so stuck.  When I began to have my awakening, I was able to see what thoughts had become beliefs, charged with emotion and effecting my actions and reactions, that manifested the miserable life I was leading.

Accept Responsibility for Your Mind

It was hard to realize that all that time, I was the only one who had really been holding myself back from a good life.  I had accepted and rolled with ideas that were completely false about my worth and the availability of good in the world.  I had created my life.  I wasn’t a victim. 

It was hard to realize, but once I had, I had to do something about it.  I poured myself into learning how to change my mindset and doing the work to change it. 

It breaks my heart to see people continue to create pain and suffering in their lives.  I understand that these concepts can be difficult to accept at a core level after a lifetime of feeling powerless over circumstances.  I know the work of changing your own mind is hard, but unlike changing the mind of others, it is possible. 

Do the Work to Change Your Mindset

I implore you to do the work.  It is worth it.  You are worth it.  The wonders you will manifest when you have your mind right are worth it.  Stop giving away your power.  Stop being a victim.  Take control.

I used to have such low self-esteem, strong limiting beliefs, and a true victim mentality.  I know that if I can take control of my mind and change the way I think, anyone can.  We are all so much more powerful than we have been led to believe.  We just have to claim our power and act on it.

Here are some tips for taking control of your mind:

  1. Question every thought you have. 

    Is it true?  Always?  Am I being dramatic?  What story am I telling myself and why?  Does this story serve me?  Is it going to make me feel better or worse?  Will I perform better or attract what I want with this thought?  Always question your thoughts. 

  2. Learn about the law of attraction.

    Read a book about New Thought (or listen to one from the Master Key Society on YouTube).  Visit a Center for Spiritual Living or Unity church (or find one that streams their lessons online).  Talk to people who have been successfully manifesting.  Learn as much as you can.

  3. Become aware of your thoughts.

    Pay attention to what you are thinking.  How often are you focusing on thoughts of lack, limitation, or scarcity/poverty?  Be aware of the material you are using to create your life.  If you aren’t aware of where you’re starting from, you can’t fix it.

  4. Practice positive thinking.

    As Dr. Joseph Dispenza teaches, the thoughts we think over and over become habitual.  Habitual thoughts become beliefs.  Beliefs form our personalities.  Our personality creates our personal reality. 

    Just like habitual negative thinking may have created a mess of your life, habitual positive thinking can fix it.  Practice affirmations. Visualize having a good day each morning.  Plan on things going well.  When you catch yourself having negative thoughts, accept them and then redirect your mind to positive ones.

  5. Live in gratitude.

    Even when life sucks, there are things to be grateful for.  Your breath, your senses, the ability to move…there is always something.  For most of us there is a lot more than these basic, everyday miracles. 

    There are warm (or cool) homes, good food, family, and community.  We often spend much more time focused on what we don’t have than what we do.  Direct your attention to whatever is good in your life, even if it seems to be small and insignificant, and let yourself feel grateful.  Let gratitude fill you and choose to live in that state as often as possible.

These things came naturally to us once, we just need to find our way back to our natural state of wellness.  It can be a tough process with progress one day and backsliding the next.  Be vigilant though, you will succeed. You are the only one who can do the work to manifest your dreams.  Accept that responsibility every day and be empowered by the control it gives you.