Reiki for Inner Child Healing

Growing up, I often struggled with low self-esteem, a sense of not belonging, and limiting beliefs that held me back from really embracing who I was. On my Reiki journey, I discovered how the energy could reach down into those wounds and begin to heal the child within me.

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Using Reiki to be at Granny’s Deathbed

I used Reiki to connect with my family in my grandmother’s hospital room. I sat quietly in the space I use for meditation. I took a few deep breaths and got myself centers. Then I used the Reiki symbols taught in Second Degree Reiki to make a distance connection in the same way I would for a distance healing. I opened my heart to my loved ones and entered a space of non-duality.

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How Often is Reiki Needed to Maintain Wellness?

Most people feel good after a Reiki session.  They know right away if it is something they would like to experience again.  Those who enjoy it and find it beneficial often feel that it is something they should be doing regularly to maintain health.  But how regularly?  How often is Reiki needed to be most beneficial to us? 

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What Happens During a Distance Crystal Reiki Session with Crystal Reiki Wellness?

At the time of the appointment, I use symbols and visualizations to make an energetic connection to you.  This is made possible by the interconnectedness of all life and the life force energy of which all things are made.  I then perform a scan of the energetic body with a crystal pendulum and take note of the energy flow of each Chakra.  I will pick crystals based on concerns mentioned on the intake form, the energetic scan, and my own intuition.  I place the crystals in pockets over the Chakras of the surrogate doll, which is connected to you, sending the vibrations from the crystals to you.  I will then do a full Reiki session just as I would if we were in the same room.  When I am finished, I will do another scan with the pendulum and take not of any changes in the energy flow. 

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Reiki Sent – How Fast Can a Distance Treatment be Sent?

Sending Distance Reiki

Sending Distance Reiki

On any given day, you will find multiple requests for free Reiki on the internet.  There is so much suffering in the world and so many people needing help.  After these requests there are streams of replies that all amount to, “Reiki Sent”.  Wonderful.  It is wonderful that so many people are willing to share their practice to help others.  But, are they really sending Reiki?

As a Second-Degree Reiki student, I was taught several methods for sending distance Reiki.  I was also taught that with practice the ability would come almost instantaneously.  I assume that this instantaneous method is what gets sent the most often in these situations.  I would like to share with you my personal opinion of this method of practicing Reiki. 

I do believe there is worth in these treatments.  You can quickly produce the symbols in your mind, reciting their names and connecting with the recipient.  It doesn’t take long to set the intention to send the energy.  However, I think of this method of sending Reiki as being closer to sending prayers than healing.  Without taking the time to focus and get into that zone where we become Reiki and let the energy flow freely through us to our recipient, I feel that what we are really doing is sending a request for Reiki to send itself to the recipient.  Much in the way that some religions will ask God to send healing. 

I do a variation of the same thing myself with my Reiki Box.  This is why I choose to refer to my free Reiki Box offering as Reiki Box Blessings, rather than Reiki Box Healing.  I put multiple names and situations within my box and once a day I draw the symbols over it and spend about 10 minutes channeling Reiki to the contents.  I ask Spirit and my guides to allow Reiki to continue to flow to the people and situations that I have been working with.  I offer this service for free.  It allows me to help several people at once and takes little time or effort.  I work a little and I expect Spirit to bless my recipients by doing the rest.  You can read about how I created my box in my article 5 Steps To Create, Use, And Maintain A Reiki Box.

In contrast, when I send a distance healing session, I do everything I would if my client was in the room with me.  I clear the energy in my space and set the stage, so to speak, with soft music and essential oils, and any crystals I plan to use.  I focus in on the recipient using their name and location, and image if I have it, while I draw and recite the proper symbols.  When the connection feels strong and my higher self has met with theirs, I go through an entire session.  I use a Reiki Surrogate doll for this, going through the scanning process, placing crystals, and doing the hand placements.  I do this because it is easier for me to let my body go through the physical motions, but the real work is being done on a non-physical level.  For me, this is true distance Reiki.  I am opening myself to the energy and becoming one with it and taking the time to focus and channel it through myself to my client.  At the end of the session, I do ask that Reiki continue to flow to my client as long as needed, but I have not left it all up to Spirit and Reiki, I have done my part.  This method takes time and skill and I do charge for it accordingly. 

I believe we are always doing good when we intend to send Reiki to others and that it will always have some benefit for them.  I trust Spirit to help open the recipients of this instant Reiki up to the energy and to help them.  I believe that the more people that send the intentions, the stronger the effect will be.  However, I think that as Reiki Practitioners, when we take the time to connect and channel the energy in a meditative and conscious way, we are personally doing more to help our clients and that they will receive a greater benefit from the treatment. 

Making the Connection for Distance Reiki

Distance Reiki is really not an accurate term.  I believe it would be more accurate to call it Connection Reiki.  When a practitioner “sends distance Reiki” what they are actually doing is tapping into their connection with a person or situation despite the physical distance and/or linear time. 

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