Distance Reiki Healing
A distance session with me begins by booking your appointment here. While booking the appointment you will be asked to fill out a form that asks for your name and location, when and if you have had a Reiki session before, wellness concerns you may have, and if you have any questions. After the appointment is made you will receive a short message asking you to be in a relaxed and receptive state at the time of the appointment.
When the appointment has been made, I will review your answers to the form and get an idea of what your concerns are and start to form some thoughts on the session, such as what crystals I might use. I will contact you if I need further information or if you asked questions on the form that I need to answer for you. You are welcome to contact me at any time if questions come to you after filling out the form and I will get back to you as soon as I am able.
Before your session is scheduled to begin, I will prepare by clearing my space and getting everything set up. I do this by smudging the area to clear out energetic trails to make a clearer space for healing. I turn on soft music, usually Sound of Reiki Radio on Pandora, and use either incense or essential oils to set a good atmosphere for my work. I also smudge my Reiki surrogate doll, pendulum and any crystals that may be used in the session. I make sure that I am grounded and centered, that there will be no distractions, and get ready to work.
Reiki Surrogate Doll
At the time of the appointment, I use symbols and visualizations to make an energetic connection to you. This is made possible by the interconnectedness of all life and the life force energy of which all things are made. I then perform a scan of the energetic body with a crystal pendulum and take note of the energy flow of each Chakra. I will pick crystals based on concerns mentioned on the intake form, the energetic scan, and my own intuition. I place the crystals in pockets over the Chakras of the surrogate doll, which is connected to you, sending the vibrations from the crystals to you. I will then do a full Reiki session just as I would if we were in the same room. When I am finished, I will do another scan with the pendulum and take not of any changes in the energy flow.
After the appointment is over, I will clear my space, the doll, pendulum, and all crystals that were used with smoke again and put everything away. Then I will sit down to type up a full report detailing what was revealed in the scans, what crystals I used and what their properties are, any impressions I got during the session, and any follow up suggestions I may have, such as after-care, affirmations, and activities I think could be helpful. For severe or chronic issues, I will recommend four consecutive sessions. I will also recommend regular sessions for energy maintenance. I will email you these notes as soon as possible. Usually, this is done within and hour or so of the appointment. If I have a busy schedule that day, it could take longer, but I will always have them to you within 24 hours.
I hope this article has answered any questions you may have about how I perform a Distance Reiki Session. If you have any questions or concerns, I would love to hear them. You can either put them in the comments below or contact me privately.