“The most important thing that you can teach your children is that Well-being abounds. And that Well-being is naturally flowing to them. And that if they will relax and reach for thoughts that feel good, and do their best to appreciate, then they will be less likely to keep the Well-being away, and more likely to allow it to flow into their experience.” Esther Hicks
Kids Reiki
When I first became a Reiki practitioner, my children were the main recipients of my practice. Giving them Reiki gave me valuable practice, but even better it gave me another way to bond with my children. I think that the love that I have for them flowing with the Reiki make the healing benefits even stronger.
Over the years I have used Reiki to help them relax and sleep better, ease nightmares, calm their emotions, fix their boo-boos, and bring them a sense of peace in an often-tumultuous world. Reiki became as important to them as it is to me.
Then, as part of my training to become a Reiki Master, I was tasked with giving attunements to several people. This was somewhat challenging for me as no one I knew had any interest in Reiki. I consulted with my Reiki Master and was given the okay to attune my children. So, my youngest children were attuned to Reiki at the ages of six and eight. I did my best to teach them the basics of Reiki with limited teaching resources geared towards kids.
In the last year and a half since they were attuned, the children have practiced honing their skills. I say the Reiki Principles with them at night before they go to bed and again in the morning before they leave for school. I still give them Reiki regularly, especially if they are injured, but I encourage them to do it themselves often.
They have found the Reiki Principles to be a great help to them on a daily basis in staying in control of their emotional reactions and in decision making. They both practice self-Reiki to as a coping skill when things start to feel stressful or overwhelming to them. My son has ADHD and Reiki helps him to stay calm and focused. They enjoy giving Reiki to the family pets and my daughter has begun to give Reiki to her meals (I do this while preparing our food, as well).
If you have children, I encourage you to introduce them to Reiki while they are young and if they have an interest, help them to train to be practitioners themselves. Children are so open to new things and the magic of Reiki fits well into their lives. Their open minds and imaginations give them an advantage over adults who have learned to be skeptical and doubt what they cannot see.
Teach kids Reiki!
Level 1 Reiki Kids Bundle