Preparing Children for a Reiki Attunement

As a Reiki Master, one of the most rewarding experiences you can have is teaching children Reiki. Children are often very receptive to energy work, and their open minds and hearts can lead to profound healing experiences. However, it's important to prepare them properly for their first-degree Reiki attunement. Explain the following elements to children before their attunement to make sure that they are well prepared.

Preparing for the Attunement

In the days leading up to the attunement, encourage children to drink plenty of water and eat nutritious foods. They should also get plenty of rest and avoid stimulants like caffeine. This will help to ensure that their energy is clear and balanced, making it easier for them to receive the attunement.

It can also be helpful to talk to children about what they can expect during the attunement. Explain that they may feel different sensations in their body, like warmth or tingling. Let them know that this is normal and nothing to be afraid of. Encourage them to ask questions and share their feelings with you throughout the process.

During the Attunement

During the attunement, children should be in a quiet, calm environment. You can create a peaceful space by lighting candles, playing soft music, and using aromatherapy diffusers. Let children know that they can close their eyes and relax during the attunement. You can also guide them through a meditation or visualization to help them feel more comfortable.

It's important to note that children may experience different sensations during the attunement than adults. They may see colors or images, or they may feel like they're floating or moving. Reassure them that this is normal and that they're safe and protected during the process.

After the Attunement

After the attunement, children may feel a range of emotions, from elation to sadness. Encourage them to express their feelings and provide a safe space for them to do so. Let them know that it's normal to have a range of emotions after an attunement.

It's also important to emphasize the importance of self-healing during the 21 days following the attunement. Encourage children to practice Reiki on themselves every day, even if it's just for a few minutes. This will help them to integrate the energy and continue their healing journey.

In Conclusion

Preparing children for their first-degree Reiki attunement requires careful planning and communication. By creating a calm, peaceful environment and providing support throughout the process, you can help children to have a positive and transformative experience. Remember to encourage self-healing in the days following the attunement and continue to support children on their Reiki journey. With your guidance, they can unlock the healing power of Reiki and experience the transformative power of energy work.

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