The Metaphysical Properties of Lepidolite


Lepidolite is one of my go-to crystals for easing trauma-induced depression for my clients and has been a major help to me in healing from my own trauma and managing my mental health.  Its soothing energy has provided immense support during my healing journey. I also use it to increase my connection with the spiritual realm.

Chakras Associated with Lepidolite

Third Eye, Crown, Solar Plexus

Physical Benefits of Lepidolite

Lepidolite reduces insomnia and supports treatments for addiction, ADHD, ODD, PTSD, and other mental health disorders. It helps reduce panic attacks and aids in maintaining healthy bowels.

Emotional Benefits of Lepidolite

This crystal is excellent for reducing stress. It eases depression and anxiety, stabilizes mood swings, releases emotional blocks, helps heal from emotional trauma, and reduces anger. Its calming influence has been invaluable in my personal healing journey.

Spiritual Benefits of Lepidolite

Spiritually, Lepidolite balances male and female energy and aids in connecting with the Akashic Records. It also protects against electromagnetic energy and pollution. I’ve found that working with Lepidolite deepens my meditation practices and enhances my spiritual awareness.

Incorporating Lepidolite into your daily routine can bring significant emotional and spiritual healing. Its ability to support mental health and spiritual growth makes it a powerful ally. Embrace Lepidolite’s energy to find balance, healing, and a stronger connection with the divine.